Registration Dates
How to register
Required for registration
Registration Dates
Registration Opens : Monday , February 17 at 9:30 am
Registration Closes : Friday , March 7 at noon s Registration for traditional camps are first-come , first-served . s NSSRA uses a lottery system for post-camp and all Friday Field Trips .
To learn more about NSSRA ' s lottery system please visit nssra . org / us / policies / registration-policies / NSSRA staff will regularly review the waitlists and will contact you if a spot becomes available in a program .
How to register
Online at nssra . org
Email your registration form to registration @ nssra . org Fax to ( 847 ) 579-5270
Drop Off or Mail to 1221 County Line Rd . Highland Park , IL 60035
The NSSRA registration form can be downloaded , or submitted at NSSRA . org / forms .
New to NSSRA ? Please complete a form at nssra . org / new-participant / to create an account in our system by Monday , February 10 . This will ensure you are set up in our software before registration opens on February 17 .
Required for registration
A current ePACT profile including general participant information and detailed information about seizures , medication , allergies , and other information is required for registration .
Contact our office for an email invite to share information with NSSRA .
Click ‘ Complete Request ’ to create a free account or log in to your existing ePACT account .
Enter required details , such as medical conditions , and share them with NSSRA staff .
s You can update this information anytime .
You must have a current ePACT profile prior to registration .
4 nssra . org / camps | ( 847 ) 509-9400 General Camp Information