Americans with Disabilities Act ( ADA )
Inclement Weather Policy
Private Meetings
Americans with Disabilities Act ( ADA )
NSSRA complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act ( ADA ) and will make reasonable accommodations to enable individuals with disabilities to participate in and enjoy recreation programs . If you have a question about NSSRA ’ s compliance , or feel that NSSRA has discriminated against you , please contact Craig Culp , Executive Director , at ( 847 ) 509-9400 x6820 or cculp @ nssra . org .
Inclement Weather Policy
If inclement weather occurs , NSSRA may still decide to hold programs . If the weather turns dangerous ( 100 degrees or higher actual temperature or heat index , 2 degrees or lower actual temperature , -30 degrees or lower wind chill or severe snow / ice ), NSSRA will call participants before the start of a program to cancel the program . If you are not sure whether a program will meet due to inclement weather , call NSSRA . Refunds are issued for canceled camp days but not for cancelled field trips , as alternative activities will be provided .
Private Meetings
NSSRA staff members are available to conduct 30-minute private consultations to discuss recreation and leisure opportunities for individuals with disabilities .
2025 Summer Camp Guide ( 847 ) 509-9400 | nssra . org 21