Please Help
Do you use a spelling board to express yourself, and to ask for what you want and what you need?
Do you know someone who does?
Would you like to help others learn how to use a spelling board?
Please contact Lu!
email [email protected] or call 412-781-4116
Project Goals
Link families who have had success with spelling to access academic, social, and healthcare needs
Engage families in dialogue with newcomers for whom traditional speech and language services are not sufficient
Emphasize the concept of presuming understanding on the part of nonspeaking autistic young people and promote literacy from a young age
Educate caregivers about autism brain differences that affect spoken communication
Encourage families to explore new communication methods with support from experienced practitioners
Measurement of Success:
Number of new families introduced to spelling for accessing various needs
Number of families using spelling with some success
Engagement of professionals in training sessions
Distribution of spelling boards at no cost
Involvement of families, teachers, and therapists in implementing spelling