Summer 2023 | Page 8






By Tony Weiler , Executive Director
The State Bar Association of North Dakota ( SBAND ) held its annual meeting in Bismarck , June 14-16 . More than 250 lawyers , guests , speakers , and partners attended the event and joined SBAND leadership , staff , and volunteers , who hosted a great event . In maintaining the most recent course of action to hold the CLE seminars at one location , attendees gathered at the Bismarck Hotel and Convention Center . The annual North Dakota Bar Foundation fundraiser was the only event held off-site at the North Dakota Heritage Center atrium . Meeting attendees and guests enjoyed socializing and attending
Opening plenary session speaker fantastic CLE programs . Stephanie Everett .
The meeting ’ s opening plenary session by Stephanie Everett with the Lawyerist was titled “ Embracing the Future : Building a Client- Centered Law Firm in a Rapidly Evolving Legal Landscape .” The annual meeting format also featured several different tracks , with opportunity to hear a speaker at different times during the day . The speakers covered a wide range of topics . Meredith Avakian spoke about “ Effectively Communicating with Your Key Audience .” Dean Vikram Amar provided his annual “ U . S . Supreme Court Preview : What to Expect and What to Look For .” Everett provided a track on “ Building Foundations and Crafting a Strategic Plan for Success .” North Dakota Ethics Commission Executive Director Rebecca Binstock presented on “ The Ethics of a Quasi-Judicial Proceedings ,” and Judith Ruch talked about “ Reducing Stigma to Avoid Chronic Stress and Burnout .”
SBAND continued to hold its general assembly and business meeting at the Friday breakfast . This included hearing from the new president of the bar , an update on SBAND ’ s finances , and a report from the North Dakota Bar Foundation . An executive director report detailed the work done at SBAND during the past year .
Attendees then heard a message from ABA President Deborah Enix-Ross , who talked about the rule of law and the need for more lawyers to give back to those who need it most . The first Friday
morning plenary focused on “ The Role of Wellbeing as a Strategic Priority for a Sustainable Profession ” by Patrick Krill , who is a leader in understanding lawyers mental and physical health . The final plenary of the annual meeting was provided by Joel Oster , who provided an amusing and entertaining ethics talk called “ Deal or No Deal .” Attendees had to decide if they would take a certain discipline based on real-life scenarios . The energy and information from all the speakers were top notch !
Social Gatherings
Attendees at this year ’ s annual meeting were treated to an opening night social at the Bismarck Hotel , where lawyers and guests had a chance to see old friends and meet new ones . Many attendees then took in the hospitality room hosted by president-elect candidate Ted Sandberg and secretary / treasurer candidate Rob Manly .
The North Dakota Bar Foundation silent auction and reception was held at the North Dakota Heritage Center , and was decorated perfectly by SBAND staff , the Young Lawyer Section SBAND Executive Director Tony Weiler with leadership , and annual meeting speaker Meredith Avakian . Margi Lee . The auction included many wonderful prizes donated by our generous sponsors , and attendees were treated to music from members of the Bismarck-Mandan Symphony , including SBAND ’ s own Rachel Sinness . Once again , the foundation ’ s silent auction fundraiser was a tremendous success .
New SBAND Officers Elected
Williston attorney Taylor Olson became SBAND president at the end of the 2023 General Assembly on June 16 . Jennifer Jensen is now the immediate past-president and will continue to serve on the board of governors until June 2024 . Ted Sandberg was elected as president-elect and will assume duties as president in June 2024 , while Rob Manly was re-elected to a two-year term as secretary / treasurer . As a result of Sandberg becoming president-elect , an opening was created in the Northeast Central Judicial District on the board of governors . Diane Schull was elected by members of that district , and she will serve a two-year term .