Summer 2023 | Page 4




Hello from northwestern North Dakota ! I hope everyone has had a wonderful summer so far . It often seems by the time I get into the swing of summer , it is already over . Between family vacations , friends ’ weddings , and kid activities , I am not sure where the summer goes . By the time I finish writing this article , all of the stores are going to have the school supply section front and center leaving me in a panic . Is summer over already ? It sure seems like it !
As I prepare for the coming year ahead as SBAND president , I have had time to reflect on what a great organization it is . We are truly lucky to practice law in the state of North Dakota , where we are civil , respectful , and considerate ( for the most part ) to our colleagues and opponents . We spend time tackling the issues we deem the most important while focusing on our clients and a good work-life balance . My time traveling for SBAND in the past year has taught me our “ North Dakota way of life ” is the exception and not the rule .
This sentiment leads me to the three challenges I see within our profession and in North Dakota , that are mentioned in the “ New President ” article . I will touch on one in this column , and the next two columns to come .
One of the challenges I see , in our profession , is the decline of effective in-person engagements . We can all agree COVID-19 taught us some valuable lessons on how to be more productive at work . What we are missing since the pendulum has swung the other way is the social aspect . Relationships matter , and effective in-person engagements help us build those relationships to create what is “ special ” about practicing law in North Dakota .
At the annual meeting this year , I had a chance to catch up with old law school classmates , former professors , mentors from externships , and my fellow board members . The annual meeting is a great place to catch up with friends and fellow lawyers that you haven ’ t seen in a while . I have always been a big proponent of social events within our profession , because it is much easier to treat your opposing attorney inappropriately if you never have to see them in person . If you know you have to sit down with them over dinner or drinks , or be their tablemate at a CLE , you might think twice about sending a rude email .
I encourage everyone to spend some time with your local bar associations and to continue to support the continuing legal education courses put on by SBAND . Some of the most important things we learn might not be from the presenters , but the other participants as well . As an older , more experienced attorney , you could be the one doing the teaching . I especially want to encourage everyone to attend the annual meeting . This year , we had great content , awards presented to attorneys and citizens who have spent a lot of time contributing to our profession and our state , and a great turnout of North Dakota attorneys . I would love to see more of you there next year in Fargo !
I am looking forward to the next year as your president . Please feel free to contact me with any suggestions or ideas you have . If you have not looked into SBAND and what it can do for you , I encourage you to do so . As someone who joined the board of governors without knowing much about what it entailed , I can tell you I have enjoyed my time on the board and feel it has provided something I was missing in my practice : a camaraderie within the profession that has served me well . I thank you all for the opportunity to serve as president for the next year and I look forward to meeting you all .