SUMMER 2022 | Page 4

Think Little

Victories are all around us

by caroline taylor
Though these have been several exceedingly difficult years — when we look around us , we will find victories , triumphs of initiative , compassion , and selflessness everywhere . These may not be huge headline grabbing stories . But they should be . Because individually and collectively these narratives are what will see us through … lending us purpose , uplift , and humanity . With every seemingly minor success we , in some real measure , dispel darkness , discord and despair and inspire further goodness . And each success helps bridge divides and fosters a stronger , more resilient community . thing , the old , galvanized roof was in bad shape … not surprisingly , as portions of the roof structure dated back to its original construction in 1839 . The newly formed SEHP board got right to it — building a new website and launching social media outreach , taking on onerous grant writing , landscaping , and archaeological work . I took on that roof project as general contractor , something new to me , hiring a company out of Frederick , a small family operation , PJ ’ s Roofing .
On day three of the job , a dazzling early March morning , the roofing crew , hailing originally from several South American countries , tuned into to a radio broadcast of sonorous spiritual music .
Santos Santos Santos … Somos todos iguales …
Mighty , Little Church
After the passing last year of the brilliant steward of St . Paul Church and the historic freedman community of Sugarland , an inspir- ing coming together of Sugarland descendants and local friends emerged . Gwen Hebron Reese had plans for the church and the Sugarland Ethnohistory Project ( SEP ) at the time of her death . For one
With this as backdrop , I watched the crew tenderly removing the decaying millwork of the church belltower and working to restore the cross with fresh paint . The roofing crew .
I felt Gwen ’ s presence and how she would simply know why this extra kindness was happening . At lunchtime I asked the foreman if I could share a few words , and in my very rudimentary Spanish I shared :
Esta mañana … Escuchar esta hermosa música espiritual y ver el nivel de atención que todos ustedes le han dado a este trabajo es maravilloso . Esta iglesia representa tanto la lucha como la supervivencia de una comunidad de esclavos liberados . La incansable líder de la comunidad murió repentinamente el año pasado y estamos trabajando para hacer realidad su visión . Te agradecemos .
4 plenty I summer growing 2022