SUMMER 2022 | Page 20

Our Food Waste Nightmare

By Sophie Kidd

As Americans , we ’ re conditioned to search for the best deal , the biggest savings , the most bang for our buck . However , this innate quest to purchase as much as possible for as low as possible has dire consequences not just for our wallets , but also for the environment .

In recent years , we have seen an increase in “ conscious consumerism ,” especially when it comes to our food . Shoppers scour aisles for organic , local , non-GMO options hoping their efforts will reap health benefits and promote sustainable farming practices . While this shift in consumer preference indicates a growing interest in our food economy , it fails to address the mounting costs of food waste . Unfortunately , food waste hasn ’ t quite made its way into the lexicon of buzzwords we often use when discussing the environment . Although the issue lacks the glamor and cachet of hot topics like GMOs , food waste remains a critical issue with far-reaching consequences for our way of life .
According to a 2021 report by the Environmental Protection Agency , more than one third of edible food in America is wasted each year . We are responsible for 10 % of the world ’ s food waste despite making up only 5 % of the population and rank third globally in food waste production . In 2015 , the EPA announced it would attempt to half the country ’ s food waste by 2030 , but little progress has been made since then .
Between 161 to 335 billion pounds of food waste is produced annually in the US . This translates to somewhere between 492 and 1,032 pounds per person . In less developed nations , most food loss occurs during production because of inadequate infrastructure . However , in America , 50 % of food loss occurs after it reaches consumers .
This startling statistic is indicative of an unhealthy relationship many Americans have with their food . We live in a culture of indulgence and instant gratification , which informs our habits as consumers . As a result , it has
20 plenty I summer growing 2022