SUMMER 2022 | Page 18

age it . Others joined in , including Jenny Freeman of Community Farm Share ( CFS ).
“ CFS was proud to partner with Locals through the Garden at Madison Fields ,” says Jenny . “ Sandy and David grow produce for their restaurant as well as sell 30 CSA shares of fresh produce weekly to Community Farm Share which we provide to families experiencing food insecurity in western upper Montgomery County .” This program , along with CSA shares purchased from One Acre Farm , was funded through a grant from the Healthcare Initiative Foundation .
“ The vegetables Sandy and Dave grow not only taste delicious , but are nutrient dense and are key to improving community health for those with the least access ,” says Jenny . Funds that David and Sandy receive are recycled back into the farm operation . Locals has now set up a walk-in area with refrigeration for local gardeners to drop of their produce for families in need .

Yet another enormous part of

Sandy and David ’ s vision for the cultivation of community is the arts . Simmering in their minds for years , Syd ’ s passing and passion for art accelerated the intent to elevate and enliven the surrounding community by infusing it with performances , concerts , art shows , classes , and workshops . To that end , Riverworks Art Center was born , a nonprofit with the mission to provide programming and space for artists to elevate their practice , collaborate , and share their work with the community , widening the healing capacity of the arts .
Riverworks complements and is integrated with Locals . David
Riverworks Art Center ’ s art space at Alden Farms opened in May .
reports that the hope is to acquire
port between diverse Ag Reserve
the town-owned old Methodist
stakeholders — restaurants , food
Church as home base for Riverworks
providers , local producers , artists
. Given to the church years
and residents . Locals is the nex-
ago by the YMCA and historically
us for all of these assets , ” comments
functioning as a telegraph office
Caroline Taylor , Executive Director
used by President Lincoln to message
of Montgomery Countryside Alli-
his generals , what better way
ance which advocates for farmland
to honor the past by artfully moving
preservation in the Ag Reserve .
into the future ?
What ’ s the most surpris-
“ Its unused space is ideal for
ing thing David and Sandy have
a performance-based arts center ,”
experienced getting Locals and
assures David . He has presented
Riverworks up and running ? David
proposals , and although there ’ s a
responds , “ Probably the most
lot of paperwork to be resolved ,
surprising was how ready people
Dave feels confident that it can be
were for what Locals represented .
worked out with the town . Until
They drive here , they walk here ,
then , Riverworks will create satellite
and stroll their babies here , kids
art spaces , starting at Alden
ride their bikes here . Folks came
Farms . “ We ’ ll have plein air painting
out of the woodwork — people from
and music from its pavilion stage ,
all backgrounds are starting to
open space rentals , and artist
recognize each other and starting
shows . The team of artist / teachers
to talk to each other .” And that ’ s a
is already in place , and sister city
beautiful thing !
exchanges are being explored for a
visiting artist program .”
Dave and Sandy ’ s long-term vision
is that Locals Farm Market and
Riverworks is the start of something
transformational in the town . They
are , despite the unimaginable tragedy
in their lives , selflessly and with
no expectations creating greater
community spirit and enterprises
for Poolesville . “ Sandy and Dave
Locals is open 7-3 Wed- Sun . localsfarmmarket
have crafted a wonderful model
. com . Riverworks classes &
for collaboration and mutual sup-
workshop offerings : riverworksart . org .
18 plenty I summer growing 2022