Summer 2022 | Page 34

The Gift of Independence

CERF was there for Cox Communications HR Manager Ryan Lloyd when he faced the most difficult time of his life .
For years , Ryan Lloyd helped connect co-workers reeling from natural disasters , unexpected losses and financial hardships with much-needed assistance from the Cox Employee Relief Fund ( CERF ). What Ryan could never have expected is that he ’ d one day need the same help for a life-altering setback of his own .
Several years ago , Ryan was diagnosed with peripheral artery disease ( PAD ), which is the narrowing or blockage of the vessels that carry blood from the heart to the legs . As the disease progressed , it caused extreme pain and severely limited his ability to walk and engage in other physical activities .
Since 2016 , Ryan has experienced a heart attack and several bypass surgeries due to PAD . Unfortunately , in December 2021 Ryan ’ s leg had to be amputated above the knee .
Ryan looked forward to getting home and taking a shower after his three-day hospital stay . But when he walked into the bathroom , he realized with a jolt that his life would never be the same . He couldn ’ t shower alone . He couldn ’ t even step into the bathtub .
“ I just remember the overwhelming sense of grief and feeling defeated ,” Ryan said . “ I didn ’ t know what else to do . So , I reached out to CERF and asked for help .”
30 SUMMER 2022