As I contemplate the content for my first article , I can ’ t help but reflect on this past year and my service as president-elect . I was fortunate enough to travel to Idaho Falls , Idaho , for the Jackrabbit Bar Conference in 2021 ; Chicago , Ill ., for the ABA Bar Leadership Institute ; and Deadwood , S . D ., for the Jackrabbit Bar Conference , both in 2022 . This was the first year these conferences were held in-person since the pandemic and everyone ’ s excitement to return to in-person meetings was evident . While numerous states were in attendance , it was clear the State Bar Association of North Dakota ( SBAND ) is a well-respected organization valued by other states .
In September 2021 , I traveled to Idaho Falls for the Jackrabbit Bar Conference , and I wasn ’ t quite sure what to expect . The content was educational and interesting , but what I valued most was building relationships with several other president-elects . In speaking with the president-elects from Utah and South Dakota , I learned they faced issues similar to those we face in North Dakota . We specifically discussed the decrease in the number of attorneys practicing in rural areas and the health and well-being of our members . I am confident that through our Rural Attorney Recruitment Program and Lawyer Assistance Program , those issues will be addressed in an effective manner .
While in Chicago for the ABA Bar Leadership Institute in March 2022 , Executive Director Tony Weiler and I spent time discussing bar membership with other states . I found myself intrigued with voluntary bar states and their ability to recruit and retain members . As most of you are aware , North Dakota is a mandatory bar state with more than 3,100 members , meaning any attorney licensed in North Dakota must be a SBAND member . Because we are a mandatory bar state , member recruitment and retention isn ’ t exactly an issue SBAND deals with on a routine basis ; however , for the Maine State Bar , it is a prevalent issue . Execute Director Angela Armstrong explained to me the Maine State Bar has more than 2,700 members , but member recruitment and retention is an issue they discuss and address in each of its board of governors meetings . North Dakota may not face similar issues with member recruitment and retention , but it ’ s still important to be educated on these issues .
At the most recent Jackrabbit Bar Conference in Deadwood , I spent time visiting with an attorney from South Dakota who mediates family law cases as part of his law practice . We discussed how successful mediation is for family law cases because it allows the parties to be part of the solution and oftentimes reduces conflict between them . When he inquired as to how I “ convince ” family law clients to participate in mediation , I proudly explained that oftentimes no convincing was necessary as North Dakota has the Family Mediation Program . As an attorney who practices exclusively family law and is on the roster for the Family Mediation Program , I welcome any opportunity to discuss the positive impact the program has had on this area of the law . The South Dakota attorney was intrigued and impressed with the Family Mediation Program and planned to discuss it further with other colleagues . It is exciting to think another state may explore implementing a similar program .
I am excited to work directly with President- Elect Taylor Olson , Executive Director Tony Weiler , our board of governors , and the fantastic staff at SBAND to expand upon the great successes of the association . That being said , SBAND cannot continue to fulfill its mission without hearing from its members . Positive feedback is undoubtedly easier to hear , but all feedback is necessary for SBAND ’ s continued success and growth . If at any time during the next year you have input you would like to share , please do not hesitate to contact me .
In closing , I sincerely appreciate the opportunity to serve as your SBAND President . I am anxious and excited to be such an integral part of SBAND ’ s continued growth over the next year . If we continue working together , I have no doubt SBAND will forge forward and maintain its service to the lawyers and people of North Dakota .