View from one of 10 loft apartments being developed in the former Belk Hutson building downtown . the Confederate States of America . “ The building had so the least : it ended up winning both state and national much character but was in such bad shape . We turned it into ten apartments and eight commercial spaces .” Carter owned that building for fifteen years before selling it five years ago due to the distance from his home . What Carter
“ This is a very unusual , very unique property – large lofts that retain their historic character ,” explains Carter . The tenants who will live in these apartments choose to be within walking distance of restaurants , shops , and offices .”
recalls most about the project is how the town of Bainbridge rallied around the renovation . “ There must have been a newspaper article about the reno ’ s progress every 2- 3 weeks .” The project was tremendously successful , to say awards for historic preservation . Carter shares that renovating historic buildings is much harder than new builds . He regretfully admits , “ I ’ m too old to do this anymore – this is my last one . You can ’ t find people to do this kind of work .” Carter does have two sons in the business : the youngest is a general contractor but prefers to build new things (“ much cleaner ”), while his oldest is a heating and air-conditioning contractor . However , “ You
Spring / Summer 2021 29