Summer 2021 | Page 9


Thomas L. Kelly first moved to Nepal in 1978 as a USA Peace Corps Volunteer, and has since worked as a photo-activist, documenting the struggles of marginalized people and disappearing cultural traditions all over the world. He currently leads National Geographic’s expeditions and represents the quarterly magazine Hinduism Today, USA, throughout South Asia covering feature stories. Apart from photography, he has produced and directed films and videos on prostitution, violence against women, and esoteric ethnic practices, among other subjects for Discovery Communications, USA, National Geographic, and the BBC.

Anna Thielen is a Denver native who graduated in 2019 from Saint Mary's College of California with a degree in Political Science. She is currently working for the Western Governors' Association as a Policy Associate.

Darrell Posey, who died in 2001, was internationally known for his support of indigenous peoples and their natural habitats, and particularly for his pioneering work with the Kayapó people of Brazil. Dr. Posey was a prolific researcher and writer, having written some 150 papers and the 10 books.. He won a United Nations Global 500 Award for Outstanding Environmental Achievements in 1993, and the US Sierra Club Chico Mendes Award for Extraordinary Courage in the Defence of Nature in 1989. Dr, Posey granted Thomas Kelly permission to print the article which accompanies his photo essay, which we now proudly do.