Summer 2021 Newsletter_Digital | Page 5

The name parainfluenza may sound familiar because it is part of your dog ’ s regular distemper and parvo vaccine . This virus is also part of what is called ( canine infectious respiratory disease complex ), otherwise known as kennel cough .

Canine parainfluenza virus ( CPIV ) is a highly contagious RNA virus that causes respiratory disease worldwide . CPIV as part of kennel cough is commonly spread in group housing and social situations like dog parks and dog day care .
Dogs with CPIV may show no signs or exhibit a dry harsh cough for about 7 days , with or without fever and nasal discharge . However the virus also suppresses the immune system and causes loss of cilia and ciliated epithelium . These negative impacts of the virus makes coinfections more likely ; and in some cases may lead to a pneumonia .
The incubation period for this virus is 3-10 days and patients can shed the virus for 6-8 days after infection . Therefore in an asymptomatic patient there could be viral shedding that was unexpected . The virus is easily killed with disinfectants , but can live on nonporous surfaces for 4-12 days .
The CPIV disease can be mostly prevented by vaccination . The vaccines are not 100 percent effective but clearly lessen the number of viral particles and hence the impact of the virus . As mentioned one form of the vaccine is injectable and often is included in the regular distemper and parvo vaccine . This vaccine stimulates systemic immunity and likely protects for
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Ask the Vet What is Parainfluenza Virus ?

less than 3 years . Since the distemper and parvo vaccine is given on a 3 year interval another complimentary vaccine should be considered .
For dogs that have social activity like a boarding facility , dog park , or dog day care the intranasal vaccine should be considered . This is an annual vaccine that incorporates both CPIV and the Bordetella respiratory pathogen . The vaccine is given as a single nose drop for each nostril ; and stimulates mucosal immunity right at the level of the nose .
The combination of the injectable and intranasal vaccine provides the most robust immune response and is appropriate for dogs that have social opportunity .
CPIV is a worldwide pathogen that causes mild disease by itself , but can create weaknesses that allow more serious opportunistic pathogens to infect the respiratory tract . So check with your veterinarian for the best vaccine protocol for your pet .
On a side note , with this being the season for both fireworks and storms , be aware that many pets have serious anxiety issues related to these types of noises . Check with your veterinarian for suggestions to help and possibly medications to get through this tough time period .

Create Your Legacy with West Suburban Humane Society

If you ’ ve included WSHS in your estate planning or as an account beneficiary , please let us know so we can include you in our Legacy Society ! As a Legacy Society member , you will be invited to member-only events . If you have any questions or want to give us the great news that you ’ ve joined our Legacy Society , please contact Christina at ( 630 ) 442-0671 or development @ wshs-dg . org .
At WSHS , we feel that estate planning is very important for pet owners so your pet is assured of a safe place to live should the unexpected occur . Watch for our seminar this fall about estate planning to protect your pets !