1964 . Finally , Resolution 512 encourages Congress to amend the bankruptcy code to permit a discharge of student loan debt without the need to prove undue hardship .
Resolution 514 urged the adoption of legislation to prohibit “ Bias Related Crimes .” The summary provides an example of crimes against Asian American and Pacific Islander communities . However , the resolution itself is quite broad and is not limited to the Asian American community .
Resolution 515 encouraged school boards to adopt curricula to include information about the historical and social contributions of LGBTQ individuals . The resolution also seeks to mandate “ inclusive
sexual health education ” to promote public health best practices and improve youth mental health outcomes .
Two resolutions deal with a return to in-person work environments . Resolution 602 encouraged legal employers to develop and implement policies that address the pandemic ’ s disproportionate impact on “ people of color , women , individuals with disabilities , individuals who identify as LGBTQ +, caregivers , and seniors .” Resolution 603 urged legal employers to implement policies to facilitate a safe and effective return to the workplace following the pandemic .
Resolution 605 sought to improve diversity in the profession and particularly in the judiciary by asking jurisdictions to collect demographic data on judges and government attorneys .
Resolution 608 encouraged the enactment of a “ living wage .”
Resolution 609 opposed any legislation , regulation , or policy that prohibits transgender students from participating in athletics in accordance with their gender identity .
While the hybrid annual meeting was devoid of many socials and gatherings , the fact that the association met in person at all was a clear indication that the United States is returning to some measure of normalcy following the pandemic .
AnniversAry CelebrAtion
Maring Williams Law Office
Maring Williams Law Office opened on Law Day ( May 1 ) in 1991 and we are celebrating our 30 th Anniversary of service to our clients in North Dakota , Minnesota , and Montana .
In honor of Law Day 2021 and our 30 th Anniversary , Maring Williams is donating $ 25,000 to the following community organizations : Great Plains Food Bank , United Way of Cass-Clay , Make-A-Wish North Dakota , Legal Services of North Dakota , and the North Dakota Veterans Cemetery Foundation . We are grateful for 30 years of support from our communities ! Thank you !
Mary Batcheller Dave Maring Duane Lillehaug Dan Dunn Lindsay Wilz Jim Hoy Kellen Bubach
A History of Helping People .
SUMMER 2021 25