Summer 2020 | Page 59

Registration All Mundelein Park & Recreation District (MPRD) programs require a minimum number of participants five business days before a class begins. A maximum number is also listed to ensure quality instruction. Classes may be combined and times modified to facilitate better programs. Safety is a Priority MPRD recognizes that safety is a top priority to all who visit our parks and facilities. We place an emphasis on safety to ensure that you, as park and facility patrons, have a safe, fun experience. To ensure your parks and facilities are as safe as possible, we need your help. If you see or hear about something that may be unsafe, i.e. broken playground equipment, an animal hole by an athletic field, or anything else that you feel may be hazardous, please call us at 847.566.0650. Insurance MPRD is unable to assume responsibility for injuries or accidents occurring at programs, activities, parks and facilities. Carrying medical insurance for participants would make the program user fees prohibitive. Photo Policy Photos and video footage are periodically taken of people participating in an agency activity or event or visiting agency facilities or property. Please be aware that by participating in an activity, attending an event, or visiting agency facilities or property, you authorize the agency to use these photos and video footage in agency publications, advertising, marketing materials, brochures, event flyers, social media (including Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, and other social media sites operated by the agency), and the agency’s website without additional prior notice or permission and without any compensation to you. Members who chose to utilize the childcare center at NovaCare Fitness Center consent to video surveillance system and abide by the terms of use. All photos and videos taken on Park District properties or at Park District events are for Park District use and become its sole property. Care for Your Parks Preserve the natural beauty around you. Please don’t climb trees, cut branches, pick plants or flowers, or approach animals or their nests. Dispose of litter properly. Please recycle this brochure when you are finished. Oops! Occasionally, there may be an error that appears in print or online regarding days, times, requirements, fees or other information. When such errors occur, MPRD will do everything possible to correct the situation promptly. Thank you for your understanding. Residents/Nonresidents Defined The term resident refers to Park District residents who live within Mundelein Park & Recreation District boundaries and who contribute financial support to the Park District through property taxes. Some residents with a Mundelein mailing address may not be residents of the Mundelein Park & Recreation District. Please contact the Customer Service Desk at 847.566.0650 if you need residency information. The nonresident fee structure is in place to ensure fairness to our residents. Residents of the Park District contribute financial support to the District through property taxes. The Board of Commissioners has elected the nonresident fee structure to make nonresident use of our programs and facilities equitable to our residents. “NR” means nonresident. Family A family is defined as no more than two adults and their unmarried children, up to age 21, residing within the same household, full time. Children ages 22 years and older, other relatives and/or individuals in the same household, are not included in this definition. Discipline A positive approach is used regarding discipline. Staff periodically reviews rules with participants during programs. If inappropriate or unacceptable behavior occurs, prompt resolution will be sought and the Behavior Code of Conduct will be used as a guideline. The Park District reserves the right to remove a participant whose actions endanger the safety of himself or others. The Behavior Code of Conduct includes: • Show respect to all participants, staff and volunteers • Follow direction from staff and volunteers • Show respect to equipment, supplies and facilities • Will not use inappropriate, abusive or foul language • Will not show any disruptive or aggressive behavior (hitting, punching, slapping, kicking, biting, etc.), regardless of whether behavior is initiated or in retaliation INFORMATION Summer 2020 59