Introduction from Ron Salski,
Executive Director
I want to thank the Board of Commissioners for this incredible opportunity to lead the Mundelein
Park & Recreation District. I am fortunate to transition into an agency where Margaret Resnick has
provided outstanding leadership in the community and park and recreation industry. She is wellrespected,
provided exemplary stewardship and had so much passion for the community and staff.
Thank you, Margaret!
As a resident, I have volunteered and participated in various community and Park & Recreation
District programs and events. I frequent the parks while riding my bike and enjoy the playgrounds,
facilities and parks with my family. Over the past thirty days, I have been entrenched learning the
operations and meeting community leaders while guiding a reopening plan. The Mundelein Park & District is highly respected
in Illinois due to the commitment and networking of the Board and staff. I look forward to leading my hometown agency into
the future.
Because the times are different, so are our program offerings. We will provide both modified in-person
and virtual programs available for the community. See pages 8-9 for updates on facility openings and
program modifications.
The Mundelein Park and Recreation District is ready to welcome you back to our programs and facilities.
As we are heading into Phase 3 of the Governor’s Restore Illinois Plan on May 29, we want to share
important updates on reopening, closures and our intentions with facilities, programs, services and
operations. Through this book, you will see Phase 3 and Phase 4 icons. These refer to the Restore Illinois
guidelines. You can read about the Restore Illinois plan at
The health and well-being of our community is our utmost priority, and all decisions on how the District can meet
recreational needs will focus first on maintaining public health. Due to the state safety and public health guidelines and
timelines, we cannot open and operate Barefoot Bay this summer; therefore, the Park District has decided to close Barefoot
Bay for the 2020 season. The Park District is following the Governor's state guidelines and restrictions to keep aquatic
facilities and/or pools closed. In Phase 4, the Governor's guidelines require a 50-person limit which would include a large
percentage of lifeguards and staff. Most importantly, the Illinois Department Public of Health has not provided guidance
whether aquatic facilities and/or pools can even open. It takes four weeks to get Barefoot Bay filled and treated as well
as hiring and training lifeguards. Therefore, the decision needed to be made to communicate to the public and potential
This was a tough decision and we did not come by this easily, as we know how much Barefoot Bay means to our community.
Given this unprecedented circumstance, our priority remains the health and safety of our staff and community.
We remain hopeful as Illinois moves into Phase 3 and looks to Phase 4 of the Governor’s Restore Illinois Plan that state and
local guidelines will allow us to open the Spray Park and Diamond Lake Beach with safety precautions in place.
My New Mask, a book created by us for the community
As part of the State mandate, children over two are required to wear a face covering
when out in public. “My New Mask,” is a book written and illustrated by our Marketing
Manager Christa Lawrence. It was created to help children become comfortable
wearing a mask. It is now available as a book on All proceeds benefit
Mundelein Parks Foundation. Consider purchasing a copy to help a young child in
your life and you will help the lives of other children in our community. Summer 2020 5