2020–2021 PRESCHOOL
FALL 2018–SPRING 2019
Program: Ages 3–4
Children must be at least
age 3 by September 1, 2020.
Children must be toilet trained.
This level focuses on developing
socialization skills through games,
stories and group activities. Children
also develop self-awareness and
fundamental skills such as cooperation,
listening, sharing and interacting with
peers. Alphabet, numbers, shapes,
and colors are introduced.
Program: Ages 4–5
Children must be at least
age 4 by September 1, 2020.
This theme-based program includes
an introduction to the alphabet (letter
recognition and sounds), art, musical
activities, manipulatives, number
recognition, and the mastery of shapes
and colors. The development of small
and large motor skills are also practiced
Program: Pre-K Enrichment
Children must be at least
age 4 by September 1, 2020.
This class meets four afternoons per
week. It has the same emphasis
as the preschool program for ages
four to five, with additional time
spent on language, math, writing,
science and social studies.
(Classes start the week
of September 14)
Preschool (Ages 3–4)
Prog Day Time (R/NR) Down Payment 8 Monthly Payments (R/NR)
0007.21.1 TuTh 9–11:30 am $1100/1196 $220 $110/122
0008.21.1 TuTh 9:15–11:45 am $1100/1196 $220 $110/122
Preschool (Ages 4–5)
Prog Day Time (R/NR) Down Payment 8 Monthly Payments (R/NR)
0009.21.1 MWF 8:45–11:45 am $1480/1616 $296 $148/165
0010.21.1 MWF 9 am–12 pm $1480/1616 $296 $148/165
Pre-K Enrichment
Prog Day Time (R/NR) Down Payment 8 Monthly Payments (R/NR)
0011.21.1 M–Th 11:45 am–2:45 pm $2064/2224 $416 $206/226
mundeleinparks.org Summer 2020 29