SBAND President
As I prepare my first column as president of
SBAND, I find myself longing for some sort
of normalcy in my life and in my practice. I
long for the days when I do not question if
I should greet a client with a handshake or
reach for the hand sanitizer when I do offer a
handshake. I long for the days when I do not
feel compelled to wipe down the table and
chairs after a client meeting or panic when
someone has a cold. I appreciate the fear of
interaction has diminished, and I can work
without locking the front door and meet
clients without as much fear and anxiety as
was present just months earlier. I am thankful
my children have been able to participate in
their summer sports and camps, and I remain
hopeful school and sports can safely begin in
I am thankful for the Supreme Court’s swift
actions and policy decisions to maintain a
balance between ensuring Constitutional
rights and keeping courts open when
possible, all while protecting the health and
safety of the public and court personnel. I
am appreciative of the lawyers who have
continued to represent clients in this difficult
economy, even while fully aware a particular
client may not be able to afford to pay for
our services.
Over the years, I have met with lawyers
across the state who demonstrate a passion
for the law and a commitment to serving
their clients and their communities.
Unfortunately, the passion and commitment
often leave many challenged to achieve a
healthy work/life balance. This balance has
been especially difficult this year, while so
many of us learn to juggle life during, and
hopefully after, COVID-19. A life that now
includes remote offices, Zoom meetings, and
telephonic or electronic court appearances.
These challenges are only magnified in
households with children who are distance
learning and require guidance with their
schoolwork, a computer to work from, or
simply the use of the internet. While we are
left with uncertainties beyond our control,
we have to remember to find the balance.
SBAND is the oldest unified state bar
association in the nation, having been
founded in 1899 and unified in 1921. As
president of this organization, it is my
responsibility to both inform and, hopefully,
inspire our members. We are fortunate to
have Tony Weiler at the helm, overseeing an
amazing staff that is committed to serving
our members. Thanks!
I fully understand some attorneys do not see
the benefit of professional associations to
their practices or their daily lives. I challenge
each of you to assess what SBAND has to
offer in terms of education, practice tools,
social activities, community involvement,
and personal services. If SBAND is not
meeting your expectations, I hope you will
come forward and help us improve. If we
are meeting your expectations, I hope you
will continue your work to advance those
Thank you for the opportunity to serve as
your president. Together I hope we can
ensure SBAND continues to be relevant and
important to its members.
Call for CLE Speakers
SBAND and the North Dakota CLE Commission sponsor seminars
and programs throughout the year in all sorts of formats, including
live, webinars, and IVNs.
We want to know about SBAND members who have ideas for topics
or who are interested in being a presenter.
Contact Carrie Molander at [email protected].