Joshua Frey
SBAND Board Member
What is your current position?
I am fortunate to currently serve as
the State’s Attorney for Towner and
McHenry Counties.
What is your hometown, college
attended, and law school attended?
I was born and raised in Minot. I
attended the University of North
Dakota (UND) for undergraduate,
where I received a degree in fisheries
and wildlife biology. I also attended law
school at UND.
What professional work did
you do before law school?
Before going to law school, I was a game
warden for the North Dakota Game and
Fish Department and was stationed in
Bottineau and Devils Lake. I also am a
co-owner of a retail lumberyard.
What led you to a career in law?
My experience in the courtroom as a game warden as well
as assisting other law enforcement agencies with criminal
investigations led me to a career in law.
What other involvement have you had with SBAND
prior to being on the board?
Before being elected to the board, my involvement was mostly
attending CLEs put on by SBAND. I am excited to be able to
become more active with SBAND now.
What is your favorite quote?
“It depends.”
What is the last book you read (good or bad)?
Brown Bear Brown Bear. It is one of my favorites! I wrote a
two-page book report on it when I was a senior in high school.
The teacher was not impressed.
The last substantive book I read was Child Welfare Law and Practice.
It was not as exhilarating as Brown Bear Brown Bear.
North Central and North East Judicial District Attorneys Give Back
Attorneys in the North Central and North East Judicial Districts have worked
to help provide relief from the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. Many were
fortunate enough to continue working during this difficult time and wanted to find
a way to support local restaurants and businesses adversely affected by closures
and restrictions. These efforts were also to thank the businesses and employees
who put themselves at risk every day to provide for and protect their communities.
The following is a list of some of the attorneys or law firms in the North Central and
North East Judicial districts that found a way to contribute to their communities:
• DeMakis Law, PLLC and Francis Law Office PC, partnered to provide lunch to
Cash Wise Foods employees.
• Pringle & Herigstad attorneys provided lunch to Marketplace Foods employees.
• Beall Law Office, PLLC provided a free coffee drink for all Ward County Social
Services employees.
• McGee, Hankla and Backes provided lunch to the Ward County Sheriff’s Department.
• Larson Law Firm, PC and Frantsvog Law, PC partnered to provide breakfast to the
Minot FedEx employees.
• Boppre Law Firm, PLLC provided meals to the Burlington law enforcement officers.
• Ackre Law Firm provided meals to local law enforcement.
• Conroy Legal Services provided meals to those in the Bottineau community.
• Judge Michael Hurly provided cupcakes to his local grocery store employees.
• Miller Law Office, PC did four giveaways: Four rounds of golf at the Vardon Golf
Course in Minot to one person; a $100 gift card to Marketplace Foods, Spikeball,
kite and Bubble Glove to two people; five $50 gift cards to local restaurants to
one person; and a guided fishing trip and $100 visa gift card to one person.
• Humphrey Law Office was instrumental in fundraising to ensure the Minot community
had a fireworks display over the Fourth of July.
DeMakis Law, PLLC and Francis Law Office PC
partnered to provide lunch to Cash Wise Foods
Above, Pringle &
Herigstad attorneys
provided lunch to
Marketplace Foods
employees. Right,
Carrie Francis picking
up the lunches to
deliver to Cash Wise
Food employees.
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