120th Annual Meeting
Do Great
By Tony Weiler
SBAND Executive Director
The State Bar Association of North Dakota (SBAND) recently held
its annual meeting in Fargo June 12-14. In our attempt to “Do Great
Things,” SBAND leadership and staff, along with many volunteers,
put on a great event. In maintaining the most recent course of action
to hold the CLE seminars at one location, attendees gathered at
the Delta by Marriot in Fargo. The one event not held at the Delta
was the annual fundraiser for the Bar Foundation, which was held
at the Sanctuary Event Center in downtown Fargo. More than 300
attendees and guests enjoyed time socializing and taking in CLE
The meeting’s opening
plenary session was a
program by Professor
Daniel Bowling on “Well-
Being and the Practice
of Law.” It was not the
traditional well-being
seminar, but instead
focused on happiness as
well and how we achieve Professor Daniel Bowling
that in our work.
This year’s format featured several different tracks, with the
opportunity to hear a speaker at different times during the day. The
speakers covered a wide range of topics. Kyle Loven spoke on digital
evidence, and University of Illinois College of Law Dean Vikram
David Amar provided two seminars on the United States Supreme
Court, including one on cases already decided and another on future
cases and potential decisions. Judge Mary Celeste also provided two
different seminars: one on cannabis and driving, and another on youth
and marijuana. Sean Lanterman also presented a technology CLE
on cryptocurrency and blockchain. The Women's Lawyers Section
provided a screening of the movie “RBG,” about United States
Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, that was followed by a
panel discussion focusing on the issues and topics raised in the movie.
This year’s Mart Vogel Lecture on Professional and Legal Ethics,
titled “Ethical Action: Doing the Right Thing in Moments of
Professional Practice,” covered how lawyers can make ethical
decisions and how those traits are started in law school. UND
School of Law incoming Dean and Professor Michael McGinniss
moderated a panel that included Professors Daisy Hurst Floyd, Patti
Alleva, and Julia Ernst.
SBAND continued its commitment to providing CLE presentations
that focus on its ethics requirements, including programs that qualify
for Elimination of Bias credits in Minnesota. Artika Tyner discussed
leadership strategies for advancing diversity and strategies. Finally,
the annual meeting concluded with a fantastic plenary session by
Jonathan Shapiro titled, “Lawyers, Liars, and the Art of Storytelling”
that included discussions focused on his legal career, as well as his
work in the television industry. Attendees were treated to many clips
of fictional lawyer, Denny Crane.
Social Gatherings
Attendees at this year’s annual meeting were treated to an opening
night social at the Delta, where lawyers and guests had a chance to
see old friends and meet new ones. Many attendees then took in the
hospitality room hosted by president-elect candidate Carrie Francis
and secretary/treasurer candidate Pat Ward.
The North Dakota Bar Foundation Social and Silent Auction were
held at the Sanctuary Events Center in downtown Fargo, where
attendees bid on hundreds of items. The team of lawyers who assisted
with music, food, and donated items helped put on a memorable
The Casemaker CLE, given by Rebecca Skeeles, and the Legal
Services of North Dakota annual CLE were again presented. For the
second year, the Women’s Lawyer Section put on a speed mentoring
event that was well attended and beneficial to both new and
experienced lawyers.
New SBAND Officers Elected
Aubrey Fiebelkorn-Zuger became SBAND president at the end of
the 2019 General Assembly. Zack Pelham is now the immediate
past-president and will continue to serve on the Board of Governors
until June 2020. Carrie Francis was elected as president-elect and will
assume duties as president in June 2020, while Pat Ward was elected
to a two-year term as secretary/treasurer.