Elaine notes that the most successful small contractors are those who are persistent in coming to outreach events, getting certified and seeking available assistance. “The Port will engage with contractors when they don’t win proposals to help them understand why, so that they can work toward submitting successful bids,” she emphasizes, “Submitting bids is similar to going in for a job interview, so there must be a willingness to view this as a process and to keep trying.”
Elaine also points out that the Port’s middle size actually helps LBEs, because of the number of construction contracts they offer valued under $4M, which is the range in which LBEs do particularly well, as they can more readily secure bonding at this level. “Contractor Development Programs such as those administered by Merriwether and Williams Insurance Services are essential to allowing small contractors to get the required technical assistance to be able to bid on City department construction projects,” she says, “Pier 94 Backlands actually went 100% to LBE firms, thanks to technical and bonding assistance.”
On February 6th, 2019 The Port hosted a “Brown Bag Session” to inform the contracting community of an upcoming micro-LBE as-needed engineering RFQ. The well-attended event provided guidance on developing a strong proposal and contract management.
For more information, visit the Port’s page for Contractor Resources and RFIs /RFPs/RFQs, The City’s Contract Monitoring Divison, and the Contractor Development Program.
The San Francisco Ferry Building