Summer 2019 Alameda County Contractor Report Summer 2019 | Page 15

“Instead of turning us away, Hensel Phelps, Alameda County and Merriwether & Williams Insurance Services (MWIS) helped us strengthen and build our business,” says Shaune. She enrolled in CBAP courses, took advantage of the individualized technical assistance offered, and with help from the Program, secured the company’s first bond. “By 2005, we had positioned ourselves to successfully bid the Alameda County Juvenile Justice Center contract, installing all interior glass.”

In the past, they had stayed away from these kinds of projects because as a small business, they did not have the large financial portfolio normally required to obtain public works-level bonding. “However,” Shaune shares, “MWIS was able to

help us get the $2.5 Million bond needed for that contract. Completing the Alameda County Juvenile Justice Center project developed our confidence to take on larger projects, which in turn has boosted our company into making millions in revenue.”

Asked what she has found the greatest challenge of working in the industry, Shaune responds, “Definitely one of the biggest hurdles is being an African-American woman business

owner. The field is still very much dominated by men, especially in the glazing industry, so they just don’t expect to be interacting with a woman of color. When I go to meetings, many prime contractors assume that I am the administrative manager – not the owner – of the company. They initially try to direct their questions to any nearby men. However, when they see that I’m the one responding knowledgeably to their questions and learn that I’m the one who owns the company, it really helps open their eyes.”

For women and others in the trades who find themselves challenged with how to grow their small businesses within the industry, Shaune counsels to not be easily discouraged, but rather to invest the effort and time to network with public agencies, contractor resource programs and larger contractors. “Develop and maintain positive relationships,” she says, “Take advantage of the opportunities that come your way and use them to the best of your ability – that’s what will help you flourish.”

Alameda County Juvenile Justice Center, San Leandro, CA (General Contractor, Hensel Phelps)

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