Throughout his career, Chief Justice
VandeWalle has made unparalleled
contributions to North Dakota’s court
system. Early in his tenure as chief justice,
he was tasked with the oversight and
implementation of the unification of the
state court system from county to district
courts. The Chief has served, and continues
to serve, on several boards and committees
devoted to the development of the judicial
system. In more recent years, Chief Justice
VandeWalle, along with state leaders from the
other branches of government, has worked
diligently to launch and implement a Justice
Reinvestment Initiative. The initiative has
been a collaborative effort to better our
criminal justice system by providing effective Chief Justice VandeWalle speaking on the floor of the North Dakota House Chambers.
resources to individuals suffering from
behavioral health issues and substance abuse
and finding cost-effective solutions to reduce recidivism and decrease
prison populations.
The award recognizes present or former North Dakotans who have
been influenced by this state in achieving natio nal recognition in
In addition to his service on the court, the Chief is consistently
their fields of endeavor.
engaged in several notable organizations, including: the ABA Bar
Admissions Committee, Federal-State Tribal Relations Committee
In 2017, SBAND’s Board of Governors memorialized the Chief ’s
of the Conference of Chief Justices, Council of the Section of
immeasurable impact on the legal profession with the creation of the
Legal Education and Admissions to the Bar of the American Bar
Gerald W. VandeWalle Medal, which recognizes individuals for their
Association, Conference of Chief Justices, National Center for
significant dedication and contributions to the administration of
State Courts, National Center for State Court’s Research Advisory
justice or the improvement of the judicial system.
Council, and several others. While the Chief takes pride in each
Serving on the high court since 1978, and as chief justice since 1993,
organization in which he is involved, he especially enjoys serving
Chief Justice VandeWalle is not only the longest serving justice and
in roles that focus on “advancing legal education because of the
chief justice in North Dakota history, but also in the history of the
interesting nature of our rapidly changing legal landscape.”
United States. When asked what he loves most about his job, the
The Chief ’s many contributions to the profession have been
Chief stated simply: “Everything.”
memorialized through countless awards and honors. In 2015, Justice
Luella Dunn, retired clerk of the North Dakota Supreme Court,
VandeWalle received the Harry L. Carrico Award for Judicial
states, “I think Chief Justice VandeWalle will go down in history as
Innovation, an award honoring a state chief justice who has inspired,
an outstanding justice. I have seen first-hand his willingness to serve
sponsored, promoted, or led an innovation or accomplishment of
and how his influence has extended well beyond North Dakota.
national significance in the field of judicial administration.
There is much more to being a chief justice than deciding cases;
The Chief has also been the recipient of some of the most prestigious
the Chief has been tasked with so much administrative work and
awards given in the state of North Dakota. In 1992, the University
has handled it very well. On the bench, he makes an effort to be
of North Dakota Alumni Association recognized him with its
extremely fair and judicious, and I am confident he has tried to steer
highest honor, the Sioux Award, given to recognize the loyalty and
the court is a non-partisan way, and that is very commendable.”
achievements of alumni who have dedicated their lives to the service
The Chief ’s administrative workload has increased much over the
of others.
years, but he maintains a sincere passion for the process of deciding
The award that took the Chief most by surprise came in 1998 when
cases: taking a legal issue, interpreting law and applying it to facts,
he received SBAND’s highest honor for North Dakota attorneys,
and drafting judicial opinions. As of July 2018, the Chief has written
the Distinguished Service Award. The award honors a member of
approximately 1,563 majority opinions, 634 separates, and listened to
the profession who has provided outstanding service to the state and
countless hours of oral argument.
legal community over an extended career.
Congratulations, Chief Justice VandeWalle, on 40 years on the
Another highlight from his list of accolades came in 2015 when
Supreme Court. Your exemplary service to the bench, bar, the state of
Governor Jack Dalrymple presented the Chief with North Dakota’s
North Dakota, and our country have indeed justified the confidence
highest recognition, the Theodore Roosevelt Rough Rider Award.
instilled in you all those years ago.