Summer 2017 Professional Learning Brochure 2017 Summer PL Brochure | Page 30

EdCamp COURSE DESCRIPTION: EdCamp is a form of “unconference” designed specifically for teachers and their needs. It is educator-driven and educator-led. Unlike traditional conferences which have schedules set months in advance by the people running the conference, EdCamp has an agenda that’s created by the participants at the start of the event. Attendees determine session content when they arrive and serve as both facilitators and audience. People are encouraged to have discussions and hands-on sessions. Bring your ideas. Be ready to learn and share! WATCH THIS VIDEO TO LEARN MORE: REGISTRATION FOR NON-ALEDO ISD EMPLOYEES HERE: CREDITS: 6 GT / Flex Thursday, August 3rd 9:00am—4:00pm DANIEL 9th GRADE CAMPUS Grades: K-12 30