of Limitations. Therefore, I strongly urge you to immediately
consult with another attorney in order to protect your rights. My
decision not to represent you is not a legal opinion regarding the
merits of your case.
The expanded use of a client intake form with text substantively
similar to what I have suggested above does effectively eliminate
the need for a separate declination letter. The issue is addressed and
documented while the client is in your office.
By signing below, you acknowledge that you have received a
copy of this completed client intake form. Your signature also
confirms that you understand that I have not been hired as
your attorney and that this firm will take no further actions on
your behalf.
Finally, if your practice covers several areas of the law, simply alter
the sample language to meet the needs of each practice area. For
example, a big reason that these letters aren’t used with prospective
divorce clients is out of a fear of notifying an innocent spouse. This
approach is a win/win on that front. The innocent spouse will never
see a letter from an attorney in the mail, and documentation of the
declination is hand delivered to the prospective client before they
ever leave your office.
Signature______________________ Date ________________
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