from me to you | ayanna foster-kelson
Growing up I can remember the joy of getting the Sunday morning newspaper. It was not because of the latest news that graced the front cover or the astronomical amount of coupons stuffed between the local and international news thread. But for a 10-year-old and her three siblings it was all about the comics. We each had our favorites, ranging from Peanuts (Charlie Brown-for you younger folk), Garfield, Blondie, and of course the well-known Can You Spot the Difference game. Televised cartoons and outdoor play would meet its match each weekend when we all settled down on the living room floor to go at it. It was an amazing, yet simple collection of brightly-colored illustrations to search-and-find the differences between two pictures. Each image kept us intrigued for hours as we diligently looked and looked and looked for any alterations, variances, or inconsistencies in one image or the other. Whenever one of us would spot a difference the room would fi ll with a thunderous shout of I see one, and the game would continue until we found them all. Yes, at times we took a peek at the bottom of the page to get a hint (displayed upside-down) or a suggestion. Nevertheless, thinking about all of these special moments in my early childhood made me begin to wonder if we, as children of our heavenly Father, truly live a life that does not resemble the world and if it is a life where others can easily spot the difference.
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