Summary Report: ACTIVATING HIDDEN ASSETS, Making the Most of Sacred Places for the Wider Community 2024 | Page 6


One of the most critical tools available to effective leaders and organizations is the power to convene . In April 2024 , Partners for Sacred Places did just that when it gathered some 100 leaders from across the sectors of building preservation , architecture , philanthropy , faith communities , academia , government , and media to broaden a conversation they ’ ve been leading for 35 years . This summary report of the National Convening on “ Activating Hidden Assets : Making the Most of Sacred Places for the Wider Community ” offers a review of this exceptional gathering and a call to action for moving forward .
As a bishop in the Episcopal Church , I have care and oversight of 48 worshipping communities across central and southern Indiana and nearly every one of them has buildings and property that serve not only the congregation but the wider communities of which they are part . Like my colleagues who serve as bishops , regional ministers , and judicatory officers , I find that not a week goes by when the subject of buildings and property doesn ’ t come up . As this Summary reports , the state of religious structures is at an inflection point with thousands of buildings at risk . The religious landscape continues to change at an accelerated rate post-Covid and research is needed to determine the extent of the crisis and to find new ways to address that crisis .
With key thought leaders and practitioners in the room , the Convening offered clarity on several points . The two I find myself mulling over months after the gathering are as follows . First , the future of many at-risk religious buildings is not to be found in simply preserving them but , when possible , activating them for use as community assets . Second , and equally important , solutions to ensuring the future of these buildings cannot come from any one sector alone but will require collaborative efforts .
As a student of complexity leadership theory , I have found that collaboration makes for healthy , nimble , and effective organizations . This is where I find hope as we collectively address the concerns , grief , challenges and opportunities the religious property landscapes present . Amid quickly changing circumstances , it will be necessary for leaders to work across sectors using informal and formal networks all while sharing research , resources , and best practices . Indeed , as the Summary suggests , we should be encouraging this integration and knowledge-sharing across different sectors as our new normal .
As you read this Summary Report , I bid you to do so with the glimpses of optimism I offered at the Convening ’ s opening plenary : “ It isn ’ t too late to strengthen the positive impact houses of worship can have on urban , rural , and suburban communities . It isn ’ t too late to marshal resources , deepen partnerships , and forge new collaborations to the benefit of sacred places and their communities .”
The Rt . Rev . Jennifer Baskerville-Burrows Bishop , Episcopal Diocese of Indianapolis Indianapolis , Indiana July 29 , 2024