Summary Report: ACTIVATING HIDDEN ASSETS, Making the Most of Sacred Places for the Wider Community 2024 | Page 3

Next Steps & New Initiatives

“ What a triumph !”

—Michael Gilligan , philanthropic leader , retired

Next Steps & New Initiatives

The roundtable deliberations , panel discussions , and presentations centered around several initiatives that are urgently needed to respond to the challenges faced by sacred places :
Coordinating and encouraging new research to fill in knowledge gaps .
New information is needed to answer a number of questions , such as : What is the pattern and dynamic of declining use and maintenance of sacred places ? When viable congregations share their space , what is the impact on their community ? What impact do trainings and interventions have on congregations in transition ?
Dramatically raising awareness of sacred places , their value , and their needs .
Stories told at the Convening helped to bring a deeper understanding of the challenges faced by historic sacred places and their communities , but more data and cases are needed to give civic leaders a “ look under the hood ” at the many moving parts involved in the community outreach of congregations and their buildings .
Encouraging new funding vehicles and approaches .
Further research and conversation will be important to address fears among donors and funders , among them : that programs hosted by congregations could involve proselytization ; congregations may lack transparency and capacity ; and that congregations may not always be welcoming and community-minded . Furthermore , new collaborations and vehicles for funding — such as a proposed National Endowment for Civic-Minded Sacred Places — are needed to ameliorate those fears and encourage funders to come together around shared goals .
Developing capacity and leadership among religious leaders .
Given that most clergy have little opportunity to learn how to manage , sustain , and fund their buildings , new seminary initiatives , a new Institute for Sacred Places , and further convenings of clergy and judicatory leaders can help to fill the gap .