Hunting Hours : Hunting hours on migratory game birds are from ½ hour before sunrise to sunset ( see chart on page 40 ).
Pursuit of Crippled Waterfowl Under Power : The shooting of crippled waterfowl from a motorboat under power is permitted on those coastal waters and all waters of rivers and streams lying seaward from the first upstream bridge .
Definition of North and South Zone Line : Maine-New Brunswick border in Baileyville , Maine west along Stony Brook to Route 9 in Baileyville . West along Route 9 to Route 15 in Bangor . West along Route 15 to I-95 in Bangor . Southwest along I-95 to Route 202 ( Exit 109A ) in Augusta . Southwest along Route 202 to Route 11 in Auburn . Southwest along Route 11 to Route 110 in Newfield . West along Route 110 to Maine-New Hampshire border .
Definition of Coastal Zone Line : Includes areas south of a line beginning at the Maine- New Brunswick border in Calais at the Route 1 bridge , South along Route 1 to the Maine- New Hampshire border in Kittery .
Nontoxic Shot - Statewide : The use or possession of ammunition loaded with other than nontoxic shot while hunting wild ducks , geese , brant , rails , or coots is prohibited . Nontoxic shot means any shot type that does not cause sickness and death when ingested by these birds and is approved for use by the U . S . Fish and Wildlife Service Director . Steel , bismuth-tin , iron-tungsten , iron-tungsten-nickel , copper-clad-iron , corrosion-inhibited copper , tungsten-bronze , tungsten-iron-copper-nickel , tungsten-matrix , tungsten-polymer , tungsten-tin-iron , tungsten-tin-bismuth , tungsten-tin-ironnickel , and tungsten-iron-polymer shot have been approved nontoxic by the U . S . Fish and Wildlife Service . See the USFWS website on nontoxic shot for more detail : fws . gov .
On National Wildlife Refuges that permit hunting of upland game , persons hunting upland species other than deer and turkey with a shotgun shall possess and use only nontoxic shot while in the field .
Haley Pond - Closed to Hunting : It is unlawful to hunt waterfowl on Haley Pond in the Town of Rangeley and Dallas Plt . in Franklin County .
Wildfowl Decoys : It is unlawful to shoot , or shoot at , or near , any wildfowl decoy of another person , with a firearm , bow and arrow , or crossbow . “ Near ” means the area encompassed by the set of decoys and including the area 50 yards away from the outer perimeter of the set of decoys .
LAWS SPECIFIC TO MERRYMEETING BAY Laws outlined below apply to the waters of the Kennebec River , known as Merrymeeting Bay , bounded as follows : From the high tension wires at Chop ’ s Point to the first dam on the Androscoggin River , to the first road bridge on the Muddy , Cathance , Abbagadassett , and Eastern rivers and the Richmond-Dresden bridge on the Kennebec River , being in the counties of Cumberland , Sagadahoc , and Lincoln .
• No artificial cover which is termed stationary blind , or parts thereof , used for hunting purposes shall be left or allowed to remain in the waters of Merrymeeting Bay between one hour after legal shooting time and one hour before legal shooting time .
• No duck decoys shall be allowed to remain in the waters of Merrymeeting Bay at any time during the period from one hour after legal shooting time until one hour before legal shooting time .
• No power boat may be operated in Merrymeeting Bay at a speed in excess of 10 miles per hour except within the confines of the buoyed channels .
LAWS SPECIFIC TO MERRYMEETING BAY GAME SANCTUARY Hunting is not allowed within this sanctuary . The corners of the sanctuary are marked by orange buoys . A map of the sanctuary can be found at mefishwildlife . com or by calling MDIFW at 287-8000 .
Merrymeeting Bay sanctuary is an area easterly of the confluence of the Abagadasset River and Merrymeeting Bay , south of Browns point ( formerly Kelley ’ s point ) in Bowdoinham and the high tension powerlines crossing the Kennebec River , and west of the shoreline of Chopps point in Woolwich . Waypoints for the sanctuary are as follows ( Datum WGS84 ):
NW Corner : 44 ° 00.148 ' 69 ° 50.645 '
NE Corner : 43 ° 00.035 ' 69 ° 49.169 '
SE Corner : 43 ° 59.531 ' 69 ° 49.533 '
SW Corner : 43 ° 59.894 ' 69 ° 50.752 '
• Using motorboat within Merrymeeting Bay Game Sanctuary : A person may not use a motorboat within Merrymeeting Bay Game Sanctuary , except that motorboats may be used between the Woolwich shore on the east and a line on the west designated by a series of orange markers adjacent to the edge of the grassy marsh area from Kelly ’ s Point to the southern boundary of the Merrymeeting Bay Game Sanctuary .
STAMP REQUIREMENTS The State Migratory Waterfowl Permit is required of anyone 16 years of age or older if they are hunting on an adult license , but is not required if continuing to hunt on a junior license for the remainder of the calendar year . Anyone who turns 16 , whether hunting on an adult license or a junior license , must purchase a Federal Stamp and validate it with the holder ’ s signature written across the face of the stamp in ink .
The state permit may be purchased for $ 7.50 from local license agents , online at mefishwildlife . com , or from the MDIFW office in Augusta . The Federal stamp can be purchased by visiting your local post office or USPS . com .
The Migratory Waterfowl Stamp is not required to hunt woodcock , snipe , rails or crows .
Note : All revenue from the sale of state waterfowl permits used exclusively for acquisition of waterfowl habitat and waterfowl management activities .
FIELD POSSESSION LIMIT No person shall possess more than one daily bag limit while in the field or while returning from the field to one ’ s car , hunting camp , home , etc .
IMPORTATION For information regarding the importation of migratory birds killed in another country , hunters should consult 50 CFR 20.61 through 20.66 . One fully-feathered wing must remain attached to all migratory game birds being transported between the port of entry and one ’ s home or to a migratory bird preservation facility . No person shall import migratory game birds killed in any foreign country , except Canada , unless such birds are dressed ( except as required in 20.63 ), drawn , and the head and feet are removed . No person shall import migratory game birds belonging to another person .
Dual Violation A violation of State migratory bird regulations is also a violation of Federal regulations .
Caution More restrictive regulations may apply to National Wildlife Refuges open to public hunting . For additional information on Federal refuge regulations , see contact information on page 29 . ■