Summary of Maine Hunting Laws 2022 2023 | Page 36


Migratory Game Birds

For the purpose of this section , migratory game birds include and are limited to species in the following families : 1 . Anatidae ( wild ducks , geese , and brant ); 2 . Rallidae ( rails , coots , moorhens and gallinules ); and 3 . Scolopacidae ( woodcock and snipe ). Except as expressly provided in the regulations , it is unlawful to hunt , capture , kill , harvest , possess , transport , buy or sell any migratory game bird or part thereof .
1 . Hunting Methods Aids and Equipment : It is lawful to hunt migratory game birds with dogs , artificial decoys , manually or mouth-operated bird calls , hand-held bow and arrow , crossbow , the practice of falconry , or with a shotgun not larger than No . 10 gauge and incapable of holding more than three shells , fired from the shoulder . Every other method is unlawful .
Watercraft : It is lawful to hunt migratory game birds from floating craft ( except a sinkbox ), including those capable of being propelled by motor , sail and wind , or both , only when ( 1 ) the motor has been completely shut off and / or the sails furled , as the case may be , and ( 2 ) the progress or motion of the craft in the water has ceased and the craft is drifting , beached , moored , resting at anchor , or is being propelled solely by paddle , oars , or pole . It is lawful to use a motor or sail on a craft as a means of retrieving or picking up dead or injured birds .
The shooting of crippled waterfowl from a motorboat under power is permitted on those coastal waters and all waters of rivers and streams lying seaward from the first upstream bridge .
2 . Transportation Any person , without a permit , may transport lawfully killed and possessed migratory game birds into , within , or out of any State , or export such birds to a foreign country during and after the open seasons in the State where harvested , subject to the following conditions and restrictions :
Identifiable Condition : If such birds are dressed , one fully-feathered wing must remain attached to each bird so as to permit species identification while being transported between the place where harvested and the personal abode of the possessor or a commercial preservation facility .
Properly Marked Package : The package or container in which such birds are transported shall have the name and address of both the shipper and the consignee and an accurate statement of the numbers and kinds of birds contained therein clearly and conspicuously marked on the outside thereof .
3 . Possession for the Purpose of Processing , Transportation , or Storage
Tagging Requirement : A hunter who legally harvests and possesses migratory game birds and wishes to place or leave any such birds in the custody of any other person for picking , cleaning , processing , shipping , transportation , or storage ( including temporary storage ) must sign and attach a tag to the birds stating the hunter ’ s address , the total number and kinds of birds , and the date such birds were killed . No person may receive or have in custody any migratory game birds belonging to another person unless such birds are tagged as provided above .
Untagged Birds : If birds are not tagged as provided above , the only legal place of storage is the personal abode of the hunter who legally took and possesses the birds .
Vehicles : Legally possessed migratory game birds being transported in any vehicle as the personal baggage of the possessor are not deemed to be in storage or temporary storage .
Record Keeping : Any commercial picking establishment or cold-storage or locker plant receiving , possessing , or having in custody any migratory game birds must maintain accurate records showing the numbers and kinds of such birds , the dates received and disposed of , and the names and addresses of the persons from whom such birds were received and to whom they were delivered . These records shall be retained for a period of 1 year from the close of the open season on migratory game birds in the state where the picking establishment or cold-storage or locker plant is located .
4 . Termination of Possession For the purposes of this part , the possession of birds legally harvested and properly tagged by any hunter shall be deemed to have ceased when such birds have been delivered by the hunter to a person other than the hunter : 1 . as a gift
2 . to a post office 3 . to a common carrier
4 . to a commercial cold-storage or locker plant for subsequent transportation by the postal service or a common carrier to someone other than the hunter
5 . Wounded Live Migratory Game Birds Every migratory game bird wounded by hunting and reduced to possession by the hunter shall be immediately killed and become a part of the daily bag limit .
6 . Possession of Plumage Any person , without a permit , may possess and transport for his own use the plumage and skins of lawfully harvested migratory game birds .
7 . Wanton Waste of Migratory Game Birds
No person shall kill or cripple any migratory game bird pursuant to this regulation without any visible means to retrieve and without making a reasonable effort to retrieve the bird and include it in their daily bag limit .
The shooting of crippled waterfowl from a motorboat under power is permitted on those coastal waters and all waters of rivers and streams lying seaward from the first upstream bridge .
Additionally , Maine state law states that a person may not waste a wild bird that has been wounded or killed by that person while hunting , or intentionally leave any wounded or killed animal in the field or forest without making a reasonable effort to retrieve and render it for consumption or use .
8 . Open Seasons , Limits , and Other Provisions
Migratory game birds may be harvested only in accordance with open seasons , legal shooting hours , and daily bag and possession limits .
Bag Limit : No person may harvest in any one day more than the daily bag limit or aggregate daily bag limit , whichever applies .
Possession Limit : No person may possess more birds lawfully harvested than the possession limit or the aggregate possession limit , whichever applies .
Opening Day : On the opening day of the season , no person shall possess any freshly killed migratory game birds in excess of the daily bag limit , or aggregate daily bag limit , whichever applies .
Closed Season : No person may possess any freshly killed migratory game birds during the closed season .