Summary of Maine Hunting Laws 2022 2023 | Page 32

WHITE MOUNTAIN NATIONAL FOREST Oxford County , Maine The public land within National Forests is open to hunting . Portable observation stands that do not damage live trees may be used . Please contact the Androscoggin Ranger District for more information on bear baiting on National Forest lands at ( 603 ) 466-2713 .
• Acadia National Park & the Appalachian National Scenic Trail — hunting , trapping , and / or possessing a weapon is prohibited on land administered by the National Park Service . For further information on these lands contact :
• Acadia National Park PO Box 177 , Bar Harbor , ME 04609 ( 207 ) 288-3338
• Appalachian Trail Park Office Harpers Ferry Center Harpers Ferry , WV 25425 ( 304 ) 535-6270
• Appalachian Trail Conference New England Regional Office PO Box 264 , South Egremont , MA 01258 ( 413 ) 528-8002
Mount Desert Island ( MDI ) is located within the geographic boundary of WMD 26 .
BAXTER STATE PARK Hunting and trapping are prohibited within the Park . Use or possession of any firearm , bow and arrow , sling shot , crossbow , air rifle or pistol is prohibited . Firearms may be transported through the Park if kept in a car trunk , enclosed in a case , or otherwise inaccessible to use . Bows may be transported through the Park if unstrung or enclosed in a case . This rule does not apply north of Trout Brook and Wadleigh Brook in T6 R9 ; in T6 R10 ; or in T2 R9 and in T2 R10 north of the West Branch of the Penobscot River , east to the thread of Abol Stream and west to the thread of the West Branch of the Penobscot River . Hunting with dogs is prohibited . In the areas within the Park where hunting and trapping are permitted , the general laws of the State pertaining to hunting and trapping apply , except that moose hunting and baiting any animals for hunting purposes are prohibited . For more information , visit baxterstatepark . org
Unity Utilities District : It is unlawful to hunt on the Unity Utilities District Property located on Route # 139 and Prairie Road in Unity , Waldo County .
Gray Squirrels : It is unlawful to hunt gray squirrels on any land which is dedicated as a public or private park or on any land located within the limits of the compact or built-up portion of any city or town .
Haley Pond : It is unlawful to hunt waterfowl on Haley Pond in the town of Rangeley and Dallas Plantation , Franklin County .
Wildlife Sanctuaries and Certain Wildlife Management Areas : Unless otherwise specifically provided , it is unlawful to hunt or trap any wild animal or wild bird within the limits of any wildlife sanctuary , any area properly posted by the State of Maine , or within the following described territories :
• Back Bay Sanctuary , Portland
• Beauchamp Sanctuary : Open to the taking of deer with archery equipment during any open season that allow hunting of deer , including expanded archery .
• Cape Elizabeth Sanctuary ***
• Carver ’ s Pond Waterfowl Sanctuary
• Drake ’ s Island Game Sanctuary
• Dry Pond Sanctuary ( Crystal Lake )
• Fairfield Sanctuary *
• Glencove Sanctuary
• Gray Game Sanctuary
• Hog Island Game Sanctuary
• Jefferson & Whitefield Sanctuary
• Kineo Point Sanctuary
• Limington , Hollis , Waterboro Sanctuary
• Lowell E . Barnes Area , Oxford County
• Marsh Island Area ,* Old Town : Open to the taking of deer with bow and arrow during any open season that allow hunting of deer , including expanded archery .
• Megunticook Lake and Vicinity Sanctuary **
• Merrymeeting Bay Game Sanctuary . See page 38 for additional information .
• Monroe Island Game Sanctuary
• Moosehead Lake Game Sanctuary
• Moosehorn Game Sanctuary
• Narragansett Game Sanctuary *
• Oak Grove Area , Vassalboro
• Ocean Park Game & Bird Sanctuary
• Orrington Game Sanctuary
• Pittston Farm Sanctuary
• Prout ’ s Neck , Richmond ’ s Island *
• Rangeley Game Sanctuary
• Rangeley Lake Sanctuary
• Readfield and Winthrop Sanctuary
• Salmon Pond Sanctuary
• Sebago Lake Basin Area , Standish , Windham
• Somerset Game Sanctuary
• Standish Sanctuary
• Stanwood Wildlife Sanctuary , Ellsworth
• Steve Powell WMA ( Swan Island ), Richmond
• Thorncrag-Stanton Bird Sanctuary
• Tomhegan Game Sanctuary
• Wells Sanctuary
• Wells & York Game Sanctuary
• Willow Water Game Sanctuary
• Woodbury Sanctuary , Litchfield , Monmouth
• York Game Sanctuary , Franklin County
* Trapping allowed in accordance with the general laws of the State . * * From October 1 until March 31 of each year , hunting wild animals and wild birds is permitted . *** Hunting with bow and arrow only during firearms season and any season that allows archery .
Stay off the Tracks . A person may not , without right :
• Enter or drive upon a railroad track with a team or a vehicle , however propelled .
• Stand or walk on a railroad track or railroad bridge , or pass over a railroad bridge , except by railroad conveyance .