Summary of Maine Hunting Laws 2022 2023 | Page 30


Bear Trapping

BEAR TRAPPING PERMIT AND BAG LIMITS A bear trapping permit and a big game hunting license or a bear trapping permit and trapping license are required to set a trap for a bear during the bear trapping season ( September 1 - October 31 ). You are allowed to harvest one bear by trapping and one bear by hunting annually . See page 27 . The fee for a bear trapping permit is $ 10 for residents and $ 67 for nonresidents .
Effective as of January 1 , 2023 , to purchase a bear trapping permit you have three options :
Option 1 : Must have completed a Maine Trapping Education course ( includes all furbearers and bear ) dated after 1978 OR Previously held a Maine Bear Trapping permit prior to 2023 .
Option 2 : Must have completed the Maine Black Bear Trapping Education course ( online or in-person ).
Option 3 : A person may trap a bear under the supervision of and in the presence of a licensed hunting guide who has successfully completed the Maine Black Bear Trapping Education course .
First time trapping licenses holders ( including first time bear trapping permit holders ) and bear trapping permit holders who are trapping under the direct supervision of a guide who has taken the bear trapping education course must be purchased through the MDIFW office in Augusta ( in person or by emailing ifw . licensing @ maine . gov or mailing a Trapping License Application to the MDIFW Augusta office ). Trapping license renewals , including bear trapping renewal permits , may be purchased online at mefishwildlife . com .
BEAR TRAPPING LAWS If you trap for black bear , you are required to follow the same general trapping rules regarding the labeling of traps , the tending of traps , and the need to obtain landowner permission .
If you trap a bear , you are required to follow the same transportation and registration rules as those for bear harvested by hunting . See page 14 for more information .
You are also required to follow other rules specific to bear trapping , as follows :
• Bear may be trapped only with the use of cable traps ( foothold cable restraint ) or cage-type live traps .
• Whenever a cage-type live trap is used to trap a bear , the trap must be enclosed and must be heavily constructed to prevent damage from bears , and also must have adequate openings for ventilation and cooling inside when the door is closed . Traps must also be constructed with no sharp intrusions to injure bears , and be large enough for bears to turn around inside the closed trap .
• You are not allowed to have more than one trap set for a bear at any time .
• All bear traps must be tended at least once a day . Electronic trap notification devices cannot be used in lieu of physical checks .
• You are not allowed to catch a bear in a trap and allow another person to kill or register the bear .
• You cannot continue to trap for a bear after you have already killed or registered one in a trap .
• Bears caught in traps must be killed or released at the catch site . A bear caught in a trap may not be used in conjunction with a hunt or to train a dog for bear hunting .
• The same rules apply for the use of bait whether hunting or trapping for bears . See section below for more information on using bait when trapping a black bear .
• You may not trap within 500 yards of a solid waste disposal site . These areas can be identified by a visible line of demarcation .
Exception : the agent of the commissioner is exempt from the above restrictions when live trapping a nuisance bear .
Design Standards for ALL Cable Traps Used to Capture Black Bears Whenever a cable trap is used to trap for bear :
• The cable must have a minimum closing diameter of not less than 2½ inches .
• The cable must be at least 3 / 16 inches in diameter .
• The cable must include at least one swivel , which is typically located between the foot loop and the anchor point .
Deployment Standards for ALL Cable Traps Used to Capture Black Bears
• The cable must be set at or below ground level in such a manner as to catch the animal only by the foot or leg .
• Drags are prohibited .
• The cable must be securely attached to a fixed anchor point .
• If a tree is used as an anchor , it must be at least 6 inches in diameter at 4.5 feet above ground level and must be free of limbs for at least 7 feet above the ground .
• The catch circle , which is the distance from the anchor to the end of the closed cable loop , must be no greater than 8 feet .
• The area within the catch circle must be clear of woody vegetation , debris and manmade material that could cause entanglement of a trapped bear . This restriction does not include a tree used as an anchor . Sticks and rocks , and rotten / decaying woody material may be used for stepping guides , blocking , and backing for trap sets , if they are not rooted to the ground .
Design Standards for Bucket , Tube or Pipe-style Traps Used to Capture Black Bears Whenever a cable trap is used in conjunction with a device that is designed to capture a bear when it reaches into the device to obtain bait ( e . g . bucket , tube , or pipe-style traps ):
• The trigger must be recessed at least 12 inches below the opening of the device .
• The opening and inside diameter of the device must be no more than 6 inches .
• A bucket or other similar device can be used if it is modified to have an opening and inside diameter no greater than 6 inches .
Deployment Standards for Bucket , Tube or Pipe-style Traps Used to Capture Black Bears
• Animal-based bait and / or lure cannot be placed within the bucket , tube or pipe . Animal-based bait is defined as animal matter including meat , skin , bones , feathers , hair or any other solid substance that used to be part of an animal . This includes live or dead fish .
• Only non-animal based bait and / or lure can be placed within the device and it must be placed below the trigger .
• The opening to the device must be covered by a weight of at least 30 pounds when set , placed , and tended to prevent access by non-target species . ■
A list of commercially available legal cable traps ( when set according to the parameters described ), is available on our website at mefishwildlife . com / beartrap .
Examples of Commercially Available ILLEGAL Cable Traps
• Belisle
• Unmodified M-15