Summary of Maine ATV & Snowmobile Laws 2023 - 2024 2023-2024 | Page 8

Title 14 MRSA , § 7552
Injury to land , forest products or agricultural products
If you are not the property owner , you must have landowner permission to cut down , damage , destroy or carry away any forest product , ornamental or fruit tree , agricultural products , stones , gravel , ore , goods or property of any kind .
Title 17 MRSA , § 2510
Unlawful cutting of trees
It is unlawful for any person to cut down or fell any tree without the consent of the owner of the property on which the tree stands . Department of Transportation , Public Utilities and municipal employees are exempt when working official in capacity .
Title 17-A MRSA , § 402
Criminal trespass
Property is posted if it is marked with signs or paint in one of the following ways and in a manner that is reasonably likely to come to the attention of an intruder :
• Signs must indicate that access is prohibited , that access is prohibited without permission of the landowner or landowner ’ s agent , or that access for a particular activity is prohibited .
• One vertical “ OSHA Safety Purple ” stripe at least one inch in width and at least 8 inches in length means “ Access by Permission Only ” when it is placed on trees , posts or stones between three and five feet off the ground .
These signs or paint stripes must mark the property at distances no more than 100 feet apart at locations that are readily visible to any person approaching the property , and at all vehicular access entries from a public road .
• In addition , landowners may also , either verbally or in writing , personally communicate to others that access is prohibited .
Remember , it is unlawful to remove , mutilate , deface or destroy a sign or paint mark that is placed in order to prohibit or restrict access ; and it is unlawful to post the land of another without permission of the landowner .
The owner of a recreational vehicle , the person who gives or furnishes that recreational vehicle to a person under 18 years of age and the parent or guardian responsible for the care of that minor are jointly and severally liable with the minor for any damages caused in the operation of the recreational vehicle by that minor .
These portions of the revised statutes are summarized . For full text refer to the Maine Revised Statutes . ■


Accident Information

1 . Law enforcement officer notification . The operator of a recreational vehicle involved in an accident that results in personal injury or death of a person shall immediately report the accident , by the quickest means of communication , to the available law enforcement officer nearest to the place where the accident occurred .
The owner of a recreational vehicle who knows that the recreational vehicle was involved in an accident as described in this subsection shall report the accident as provided in this subsection if the operator of the recreational vehicle is unknown .
2 . Provide information to injured party . The operator or a person acting on behalf of the operator of a recreational vehicle involved in an accident shall provide to an injured person or the operator or an occupant of any other recreational vehicle involved in the accident :
A . The operator ’ s name and address ; and
B . The registration number of the operator ’ s recreational vehicle .
3 . Render assistance . The operator of a recreational vehicle involved in an accident shall render reasonable assistance to an injured person .
4 . Penalties . A person who violates this section commits a Class E crime .
5 . Aggravated punishment category . Notwithstanding subsection 4 , a person who intentionally , knowingly , or recklessly fails to comply with this section when the accident resulted in serious bodily injury , as defined in Title 17-A , section 2 , subsection 23 , or death , commits a Class C crime .
1 . Report requirements . A person shall give notice of a recreational vehicle accident within 72 hours to the commissioner on forms provided by the commissioner if the person is :
A . The operator of a recreational vehicle involved in an accident that does not result in injuries requiring the services of a physician or in the death of a person but involves property damage estimated to cost $ 1,000 or more ;
B . A person acting for the operator of a recreational vehicle described in paragraph A ; or
C . The owner of a recreational vehicle described in paragraph A having knowledge of the accident , if the operator of the recreational vehicle is unknown . ■