Summa Group News Part 2, May 2014 Summa Group News PT 2 May 2014 | Page 3
Summa News – May 2014 Part 2
Vilyay River Gains New Quay
In YATEC news the village of Kysyl-Syr, situated in the Vilyay District, recently gained a new
quay on the banks of the Vilyay River which is already in service. The facility was
constructed under the order of Yakutsk Fuel and Energy Company.
The new installation now allows the quantity of methanol being brought in to be doubled.
It also allows gas condensate to be shipped out to feed boilers in the Arctic branches of
the state unitary enterprises in the Republic of Sakha.
The main function of the quay is to pump, receive oil products
and equipment from barges, and unload all types of bulky cargo
and construction materials. The quay consists of two quay walls
and a product pipeline that links the walls to a tank farm 4 kms
The quay is also an important link in the transportation system
as it allows the reception of goods to be supplied to the
residents of the Vilyay district, uninterrupted, during the
shipping season.