sultry reigns 1 | Page 45

Photo Credit: Robert Mesa

Patricia Michaels- The Trendsetter Designer

One of the most brilliant, revolutionary designers of out time is Patricia Michaels. She has taken her native roots and her love of fashion design in a whole new and exotic way. Her artisitic influence was watch her mother create ceremonial clothes for the festivals. Patricia credits her mother for teaching her how to design clothes. Her mother would give her fabric and she would design clothes for her Barbie dolls.

At first Patricia wasn't sure if she was going to get into fashion. She happened to apply for a job making customs fro the Opera. She fell in the with fabric. She then applied to college where she studied fashion, jewelry, and clothing design. Studied for 3 years then moved on to the Art Institute of Chicago to study jewelry, footwear and accessories designs for 4 year. She started working in

She was designing fashion straight out of college taking orders. She hopes to one day to dress Drew Barrymore in one of her designs because she has a sense of joy and happiness.

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