Sugarmoon - Spring Edition 2019 Sugarmoon - Summer 2019 | Página 5

CONTENTS INSIDE 6 ABOUT OUR FOUNDER 8 SUGARMOON'S SUNSCREEN 411 9 HABITS OF MENTALLY STRONG PEOPLE DR. TRAVIS BRADBERRY 12 HEALTHY + TASTY MOCKTAIL RECIPE JEN HANSARD 14 PROCRASTINATION WILL DELAY YOUR LIFE ROMI NEUSTADT 16 DOES TRYING TO BE HAPPY MAKE US UNHAPPY? ADAM GRANT Everywhere we look, particularly in the news, there seems to be an ongoing barrage of messages highlighting the negative—the ugly side of life and of people. Day after day, these messages and images are drawing your attention to the harsh, the vulgar, and other nastiness. Meanwhile, the weather has shifted, the tulips and the daffodils are sprouting, quietly present all around us; we can find beauty simply everywhere and in everything. 20 A LETTER TO MY YOUNGER SELF AMY JO MARTIN Nature is the ultimate example of simple beauty, and its existence is a testament to its never-ending beautiful force. No matter how devastating the destruction, nature always prevails; taking over, it pushes through and out springs the beauty of life. 22 GRILLED APRICOT SALAD RECIPE JAMIE OLIVER 24 GARDEN YOUR WAY TO A HEALTHY LIFESTYLE MELINDA MYERS Where beauty lies, there is peace. In this, lies the importance of beauty. Peace and beauty are something we all need more of. And the benefits to this are? Beauty soothes the soul, stirs the imagination, and makes living each day more of an experience. Start to take notice of beauty and peace is sure to follow. 26 MOISTURE REPAIR BALM Enjoy this read. 28 ORGANIC INGROWN RELIEF FINDING BEAUTY EVERYWHERE DEAR READER, In this issue, we focus on our Sugarmoon organic brands infused with essential oils and shea butter, strengthening, nourishing, and nurturing the skin. We love brands such as COOLA’s organic sunscreen, which focuses on skin health but leans away from harsh products that affect our environment. XO, Paola 5