When I think about the biggest highlights
so far, they seem to revolve around the
choices I’ve made (or have been made for
me) that led me to something new and
scary before I thought I was ready.
I could’ve waited longer to leave the
practice of law, hoping it got better or
more fulfilling or somehow I would
magically morph into the kind of person
who would love a career as a litigator.
Instead, I did the scary thing and walked
away and into a new career and a new city
where I had no contacts and no clue what
was ahead.
Our first son Nate came much earlier than
planned, the product of a “make up
session” from one of our biggest fights
ever. Was I ready to be a mom? Was John
out of med school yet? Did this fit our
plan? No, No and Hell No. I was terrified,
but that little nugget ended up coming at
the perfect time, making me grow and
stretch as a human and learn a whole new
level of love.
Then there was starting my own direct
sales business. I could’ve easily said it was
a horrible time to add something to my
very full plate (a baby, a toddler, a full PR
client roster, community volunteering,
trying to lose baby weight). But I got a
bigger plate and, as they say, the rest is
And intellectually it probably appeared like
a horrible time for me to write my book.
Our business was exploding, the kids were
getting busier with extra-curricular
activities, I was getting busier with
volunteering and philanthropy, and we
were going to be spending a month
traveling around Australia. But I did it
It would’ve been really easy for me to say
to myself at all of these crossroads, “The
timing isn’t right. This can’t happen now.”
To be honest, I did say that to myself, every
single time. My answer is what made all
the difference, “There’s never a perfect
time for anything.” Followed by a “And
really, what the hell are you waiting for?”
I’m grateful that it didn’t take me to mid-life
to stop f-ing around and get to the gifts I
was given and to do the things that I
wanted. Yet with each passing year, I’m
f-ging around less and less, saying No more
and more and unapologetically pursuing
the endeavors that I know will allow me to
serve others while also lighting up my soul.
If you’re procrastinating
the BIG STUFF, it’s
time you asked yourself
what the hell you’re
waiting for. If you have
the courage to dig deep
enough, I bet you a
big slice of gluten-free
birthday cake that at the
root of your hesitation
is fear. Maybe fear that
you don’t have enough
time. But more likely fear
that you can’t do it, you
won’t be good enough,
you’ll be judged, you
don’t have what it takes
or you aren’t worthy.
I know, because I’ve
asked myself all of these
and more.
As I blow out my candles, here’s my wish
for YOU: On your next birthday you’ll be
able to reflect on the past year and declare,
“That was the age I stopped procrastinating
the BIG STUFF.” Romi Neustadt is a former corporate
chick (first a lawyer, then a PR
executive) who traded in the billable
hours for more time and financial
freedom through a career in network
marketing. She built a lucrative
business that's allowed her and her
doctor husband John to design the
life they really wanted. She loves
unlocking the potential in others
so they, too, can choose how they
live, work, parent and play. Romi's
book, Get Over Your Damn Self: The
No-BS Blueprint to Building a Life-
Changing Business, has consistently
ranked NO.1 on several Amazon lists
since its release in the Fall of 2016,
and received a GOLD AWARD
from the Nonfiction Authors
Association. Romi lives in San Diego
with John and their two proudest
achievements, Nate and Bebe, who
are growing up way too fast.
It’s about f-ing time. RomiNeustadt.com
Here’s what I know as I stare down 40+
birthday candles and countless lessons
learned: It’s always the perfect time to go
after what we really want.
I love what Brené Brown wrote in her book
Wholehearted: “Midlife: when the
Universe grabs your shoulders and tells
you ‘I’m not f-ing around, use the gifts you
were given.’”