Successful Startup 101: September 2014 Successful Startup 101: September 2014 | Page 20

1. Begin to get overwhelmed with small details of office management, which takes your attention away from the big picture. 2. Find yourself with no one to challenge your thinking, because you’re the only one with all the answers. 3. Are not challenging yourself on a regular basis. “The whole transition from working in the business to working on the business means letting go of what you’re comfortable doing,” says Gorman. “You always need to be thinking big and challenging yourself.” What should you do if you want to transition from being a small one-person band to the leader of a high-growth business? Consider these six tips as you begin the process of building your team – and firing yourself: Decide what will be for your hands only: Your time and attention should be reserved for those few things that only you can accomplish. For many entrepreneurs, this means focusing on the most valuable sales and marketing opportunities — meeting with key prospects and building markets for your product or service. If you, too, need to focus on being the face of the company, then tap into