Successful Spirit Webzine June Issue Volume 1 Issue 2 | Page 7

Tarotscopes by Jean Page 7 Card of the Month: Queen of Wands This month’s energies favor independent thought and action with a dose of groupiness thrown into the mix. Remembering that independence is a very attractive trait, watch out for others’ problems being brought to you for your insight. Be open to allowing others to make -and learn from!- their own mistakes. Advise and stand aside. Capricorn : Hanged Man Have you been struggling without achieving the ends you long to see? We all have, as we’re told, aren’t we, that we must work on our dreams - the key word being WORK. The trick is learning to work not only on the material, external world but also on the inner, spiritual plane. Work on the physical is an effort to control; work on the spiritual is an effort to allow. This month, work on your dreams by using the power of release. What are you willing to give up to achieve your dreams? Aquarius: Ace of Cups Since Aces represent beginnings, this month look for new ways to give love - not only romantic love but love shared through your gifts and skills as well. Love demands our vulnerability, which requires great courage and strength whether we are placing our heart in another’s keeping or sharing the new song we have written. It is in giving that we receive, Francis tells us, so watch for new ways for love to find you as you share your own love. Pisces: King of Pentacles This king is the financial whiz, a master of business who loves money yet gives generously to others, knowing that giving primes the pump that generates more of the money he loves. This is the man who makes his money the old-fashioned way: he EARNS it and works hard for it. Expect a financial breather this month - either more work or new work. If you’ve been considering a sideline to earn extra cash, give it a shot this month. Aries: Ten of Swords The tens are endings of sorts, and this is no exception, representing a failure or defeat of some kind. Remember that this month’s energies favor independence, which is sometimes called stubbornness. What have you been hanging onto for too long? Have you been trying to force a desired outcome, thinking you were persevering? What would happen if you just - stopped? In life as in poker, you’ve got to know when to fold ‘em. It may feel like giving up, but think of the energy you’ll free for other, happier pursuits! Taurus: Knight of Cups Long story short: whoa! Yes, it feels so absolutely right, and you may be so delighted and happy about it all...but hang on. Proceed with caution. You may not know the whole story, so take some time to regroup, rethink, re-examine. You might find out something that changes the whole picture and, if not, you’ll have lost nothing in the process. Getting swept up in your vision feels marvelous, but care this month can avoid a nasty crash. Gemini: Page of Swords Pages often represent changes, and this page represents one you may not appreciate . The challenges offered by the Swords suit all bring gifts, however, and this page does, too. Remember that problems have solutions, and don’t let unhappy shifts or revelations throw you. Be open to other ways of viewing the issue, and in so doing, gain the gifts of insight and understanding that point you to the solution you seek. Time for some out-of-the-box thinking. (cont’d next page….)