Successful Spirit Webzine June Issue Volume 1 Issue 2 | Page 4

Page 4 Working the Law of Attraction If you have read prosperity classics like Think and Grow Rich or As a Man Thinketh, or if you’ve watched The Secret, you’ve heard of the Law of Attraction (LOA). It’s an idea that far predates any of these and is very simple: Like attracts like. It means that whatever you energize will attract whatever is in alignment with that energy. If you are feeling grumpy, you will notice more and more about which you can complain. If you are in a great mood, you find things to brighten your day even more. Feelings such as happiness, gratitude and trust attract more for which you can feel happy and grateful. They attract good things, enabling you to trust the basic truth of life: that everything will be all right. Proponents tell us that feeling happy and grateful for the blessings you have received will attract more of what you need or want. Yet we hear from dozens of people for whom it hasn’t worked. For that matter, we can point to dozens of examples in our own lives of an apparent failure of the Law of Attraction. Some LOA teachers insist that the failure is ours; we didn’t feel grateful enough or happy enough because if we did, it would have worked. We’ve heard LOA teachers who insist that if misfortune comes into someone’s life, that person attracted ir or even wanted it in some unknown way. Such statements do not allow for life lessons we must learn, qualities we have come to earth to master, etc. Whether you believe in reincarnation or not, we come to earth for a purpose, and part of that purpose is learning to manage the unhappy or painful aspects of life, LOA notwithstanding. So no, you didn’t attract the thief who stole your car and are not responsible for that person’s actions. Your job is to be happy and grateful despite the loss of your vehicle and the financial setback it might create. “Excuse me?” you might ask, and rightly so. It’s hard to be happy when a tree falls on a corner of your house and you are facing a huge repair bill. (…..LOA Cont’d next page)