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Angels in Our Midst
Working with Angels
by Jean Porche
The Angels are happy to work with and for us, but they
have shared one of the most powerful ways they act in our
lives. They carry blessing.
That may not seem like much, but think of the people in
your life, the people on your prayer list. Think of the
horrors in the news, of natural disasters, of hunger and
illness. Think of the sad news about the environment,
animals being mistreated, children in need. It can be
overwhelming. We can feel helpless and perhaps even
But wait. The Angels remind us we are never helpless. When we ask in love, we are answered. Always.
And when we ask the Angels to assist others, motivated by
compassion, they are quick to act.
The Angels tell us this is wonderful news. Instead of
feeling overwhelmed by the sadness we see around us, we
have power. We can call the Angels and ask them to bring
the resources, the healing, the information, the clarity whatever is needed - to bear on the situation.
When we do this - whenever we ask in love and compassion - the Angels hasten to help. Having asked, then, we can smile, knowing that whatever
the problem, it has been eased in some way because of our request. The angels like to tell
us that in this way we can change the world from our living room chair. Now that’s
Angel Jewelry
Tree of Life Pendants
Bouquet Angels
Deborah Vaughan