Successful Spirit Webzine June Issue Volume 1 Issue 2 | Page 10

Ask the Angel Ladies Each month we will answer a question posed by clients and subscribers. Got a question? Email us at [email protected] Popular Questions: What is a medium? A medium is someone who can communicate with the spiritual world of angels, masters, guides, and departed loved ones. While many psychics work face-to-face with their sitter so that they can better receive energy from their client, Jean finds no difference in on-site readings versus readings by telephone or email. This is due to the fact that the boundaries of time and space, which are elements of physical life on earth, do not restrict spirit which has transcended the physical. What can I expect in my reading? It has been said by many spiritualists that every reading is an experiment. This is because we do not control spirit. Readers can only offer the information and messages that spirit brings; we cannot demand that a particular spirit come forth. Therefore, when requesting messages and information from the departed, one may be surprised by the spirit who comes forward. If this happens, it is important to hear the message with an open mind rather than being disappointed that the desired loved one has not come through. Mediumship readings are different from other types of psychic readings. For example, when Jean works with her cards, either tarot or her own deck, the information comes through using cognition as well as psychic insight, often coming rather quickly. Clien ts are frequently surprised by the amount of information they receive. When Jean works with the departeds, creating the channel for the information takes a bit of time. Also, what she gets must often be ‘translated’ into words as the spirit may still be adjusting to life on the other side This means the first minute or so may be devoted to clearing and establishing the connection. Angel readings, like psychic readings, generate a lot of information quickly. This is due to the fact that Jean has worked with angels and higher spirits since she was a child. The connection is firmly established from years of use. After so much experience working with angels, Jean is able to connect immediately. The information comes to her through clairaudience (hearing the words mentally) as well as though physical sensation, vision, and symbol - all of which must be ‘translated’ into words. In all readings with Jean, expect to received gentle guidance. Jean’s work is very grounded, meaning that it is neither what some might call airy-fairy or complicated to understand. Readings bring comfort and insight through wisdom, counsel, and suggestion. They are never dictatorial or demanding. For example, the angels will never say, “You are supposed to be a teacher.” Instead, they may honor the client’s interest in young people, the client’s intelligence and ability to explain things clearly, the client’s desire to help. They may suggest teaching among other suitable occupations, but the choice is always the client’s. Next month: How are mediumship readings different from psychic or angel readings?