Successful Bathroom Renovation Guide Successful Bathroom Renovation Guide | Page 6

 A deep clean allows you to clean areas on a quick clean you might forget, typically, the drain, for me this is because it is the most disgusting job to do! However, keeping this clean will allow water to flow freely out of the drain! I will admit, this is a job that I hate, but I know that I need to do this on a regular basis and this does reduce the yuck that accumulates, making the task an easier one!  Deep cleaning your bathroom regularly will allow you to keep an eye on potential maintenance issues or decoration that you need to address. I know there are areas that I need to address in my own bathroom and these tasks are in my home maintenance file.  Cleaning is a great exercise and this is just a great reason to get moving and have a clean bathroom too. Turn on the music and get moving to the beat of your favourite song.  Something for you to consider, as an adult, I know that it is part of the responsibilities in life to clean. I think it is important for my family to live in a home, where the germs in the bathroom could potentially cause harm to their health, cleaning prevents them from growing and spreading.  If you schedule regular deep cleaning sessions, these won’t take as long to do and the cleaning in between the deep cleaning won’t be as difficult either! The more you clean the less you need to clean! That is my principal thought!  A clean bathroom looks and smells nice when you enter and you deserve to use a clean and smell free bathroom too! It doesn’t take long, you can even break the task down into different areas and tackle them on different days! Therefore, if you are looking for inspiration to clean your bathroom, then you should consider the point that you are worth the effort to use the bathroom, one that is clean. Yes, there is hard work in your immediate future but having a clean and germ-free space to wash and clean yourself and for your family to use is important. It is about giving yourself pride for your home and making it clean and respectable to use. Cleaning Tips for Different Types of Bathroom Countertops