Successful Bathroom Renovation Guide Successful Bathroom Renovation Guide | Page 4

It offers solitude and serves as a great hiding spot. If you want to take a break from anyone or anything, this is the place to go. The majority of people know better than to bother someone using the bathroom. You’re safe as long as the door is locked. It’s a good place to decompress. If you had a bad day or just want to disconnect from the world for a little while, there may be no better way than taking a long bath or hot shower. Try not being able to use it… You don’t realize the importance of your bathroom until you really need to use it and someone else is already in there or there’s a temporary plumbing issue. III. Why Is Bathroom Cleaning Important? The bathroom just seems to attract the dirt and the grime and it is often one of the most difficult areas to keep clean; something always needs cleaning in the bathroom. If you need some motivation, as to why you should deep clean. I think these 15 reasons will push anyone over the edge and have a need to give their bathroom a bit of a clean!  I think the top one on my list is because it has been a long time between deep cleans! Life and time restrictions all get in the way and cleaning is one of those areas that often gets pushed to the bottom of the to-do list.