Success Stories Vol. 5 | Page 2


2024 in numbers

Recap of the year's achievements


Results of the community assessment

9 out of every 10 participants on the drought activation in Honduras reported improvements in their quality of life

en su calidad de vida

The event was held in the city of Quito

More than 130 participants in the first National Dialogue Platform in Ecuador

29 representatives of 5 countries participated on the Training of Trainers for community resilience

The ToT was held in El Salvador

Ecuadorian families indicated a reduction of waterborne diseases thanks to anticipatory actions on heavy rains

Results from the activation's assessment





Regional organisms of the Americas participated on the 12th Global Platform in Berlin

The event was attended by more than 1,800 people


National Red Cross Societies promote Early Warning

Systems in 4 countries

A basin approach on floods and droughts was included


More than 13,000 people reached with early actions on tropical storm Sara in Honduras

The Early Action Plan was activated in November


The event was held in Cartagena de Indias, Colombia

More than 550 participants in the 6th Latin American and Caribbean Dialogue Platform


Progress in the Integration and coordination

Technical Groups for Anticipatory Action will boost agendas in 5 countries and at regional level


The event gathered 25 specialists from the region

Honduras hosted a regional workshop on Cash and Voucher Assistance and Anticipatory Action