Success Lifestyle Magazine Issue 8 - April 2020 | Page 40

honing the skills I would later use to make Fruit Blossoms truly unique. I also called, directly messaged and emailed people overseas who are known in the industry. Some responded favorably and gave me some truly useful advice that has further enhanced the uniqueness of my brand. This research experience taught me to be bold. You can get one of three teach me what I needed to know. So, I approached my chef friends and family members to ask them for tips on how to effectively make these edible arrangements. What I did next was what really gave me an extra edge. I approached one of my most wellknown competitors at the time and asked her for advice. Yes, you read correctly. I approached a direct competitor. I saw her in the supermarket, introduced myself and asked her for advice. She responded favorably and I began answers: yes, no or not right now. It’s difficult to take your business to the level where it should be if you’re afraid to approach the influencers and industry leaders. You may just be surprised by how helpful they can be. When did you decide that it was time to leave your 9 to 5? My contract was scheduled to expire in 2017, but I knew that I was ready to leave in 2016. I had already been putting in the work with Fruit Blossoms and business was starting to pick up. Working Issue �: April ���� ��