2. The Jamaica Business Development Corporation 4. Cari-Med LTD
(JBDC) Herboo enterprise is a local Jamaican business that
This corporation provides you with the information produces hair products for natural hair. Kamla A.
and advice needed to grow and maintain your product Williams, a co-founder of Herboo Enterprise, has
and business. As entrepreneurs, this can prove reaped further success and promotional value in
helpful in developing a successful business. The JBDC getting her products distributed locally. Your product
has been very active in promoting Jamaican made can have the same opportunity.
items and currently operates three stores.
3. Jamaica Promotions Corporations (JAMPRO) Other Jamaican Distributors
JAMPRO Massy (Jamaica) Distribution Limited
Kirk Distributors LTD
opportunities both in the local and international
sectors. Products are made available for export and
G.D.I Distributors LTD
investment opportunities that new business start-ups
can take advantage of.
Issue �: January ����