extremely convenient and o�er many healthy choices that
some supermarkets may not o�er
Hidden Gems
The reality is that many entrepreneurs don’t have the time
to prepare meals. I hope y’all didn’t think I forgot about
you! You’re the entrepreneurs whoften choose unhealthy
lunches... from oily Chinese to greasy fried chicken or a
basic processed meat sandwich.
These options barely do the trick because they don’t keep
you full for long, contain high amounts of fat and sugar and
can sometimes leave you feeling sluggish after lunch. As
reggae icon Bob Marley says, “Who the cap fits let them
wear it!” If this cap fits snugly on your head, begin
searching for the hidden gems in your area.
A hidden gem is that restaurant that’s doing right by
health-conscious lunchers. A quick Google search will help
you find them and I recommend reading the menu online
before visiting. Doing this will give you a good idea of what
you want to get before you go and again this saves time.
This is my favourite option as a busy entrepreneur myself:
the lunch meeting. It’s a great way to make sure you have
lunch while still getting in that meeting you need.
However, approach this one with caution as it can easily be
abused. You don’t want to meet a colleague for lunch, get
carried away with business talk and by the end of the
meeting realize you only had a few bites of your vegetable
Follow Through
Entrepreneurs are highly e�ective and e�cient people
but even they can fall short on certain areas of their lives.
You’re probably one of these entrepreneurs. Missing
lunch can a�ect your focus, productivity, mood and
stress levels but continuously neglecting lunch is an easy
fix once you develop a strategy to correct it.
It’s also important to make lunch healthy. Choose healthy
groceries, save time by using grocery deliveries, choose
restaurants with healthy options and marry meetings and
lunch when possible. The advice in this article serves as a
guideline for your strategy. Find what works for you and
help yourself to a healthy lunch each day.
Eat and Meet
This is my favourite option as a busy entrepreneur myself:
the lunch meeting. It’s a great way to make sure you have
lunch while still getting in that meeting you need.
However, approach this one with caution as it can easily be
abused. You don’t want to meet a colleague for lunch, get
carried away with business talk and by the end of the
meeting realize you only had a few bites of your vegetable
To combat this, limit lunch meetings to discussing lighter
topics, meeting new colleagues for the first time or
perhaps meeting with someone who understands the
importance of both the meeting and the eating. Always
remember to view the restaurant’s menu online first to
determine if healthy meal options are o�ered.