Subtle Downtempo No SDN DIGITAL | Page 2

MESSAGE FROM ARTISTIC DIRECTOR For the past 3 decades, my parents would occasionally ask when am I going to find a proper job. Don’t get me wrong; they are supportive of what I’m doing now… it’s just not their ‘norm’. On personal terms, they accepted. Growing up, I witnessed the drill of “safety in numbers” amongst peers to fit into the working system because life would be simpler than if you attempted to change it. On societal terms, they accepted. Today, with our vision of becoming a smart nation, we are witnessing a growth for machine learning algorithm and processing data in new and exciting ways. In our pursuit of a friendly human-machine system as agency, could we also stretch our biometric to become a more diversified society? Hence, can we embrace that odd dot, number or code, instead of sieving the outlier unconnected points of a parabola? On future terms, we await… Through the employment of movement, light and sound, I am pleased to present Subtle Downtempo No, a collaborative examination into the abstraction of space – an unusual perspective of being part of a system, by Murasaki Penguine (Japan/Australia) and RAW Moves (Singapore). To look outward, we have to first look inward… Ricky Sim Artistic Director RAW Moves