Subscriptions - Maximum Yield Cannabis USA November/December 2020 | Page 98

baking a fool OF MYSELF by Watermelon EQUIPMENT NEEDED • Cookie sheet • Tongs or spatula • Parchment paper • 3 medium-sized (16 ounce) jars with lids and labels • 3 smaller-sized (8 ounce) jars with lids and labels • Strainer or cheese cloth INGREDIENTS • Trim, leaves, or other low-grade cannabis (a cookie sheet full. Coarse and unchopped) • 8 ounces of three liquors of your choice (example: rum, whiskey, and black Sambuca) INSTRUCTIONS 1. Preheat oven to 220°F 2. Cover the cookie sheet with a sheet of parchment paper. 3. Assemble all trim, leaves, and other lowergrade cannabis onto the parchment paper to fill the cookie sheet. 4. Toast for one hour, turning the cannabis trim and rotating the pan every 20 minutes. 5. Let cool completely. 6. Once cooled, stuff the toasted weed menagerie into the three medium-sized jars, filling each up to ¾ full. 7. Pour 8 ounces of each liquor into its clearly labeled jar, tighten the lid, give it a shake, and move on to the next one. 8 Store these jars in a warm spot to help the infusion process, giving them a shake once a day (twice if you’re crazy like me). 9. Four to seven days later, after giving them their last shake, strain off all plant matter. 10. Transfer those beautiful new infused liquor extractions into smaller clearly marked jars. CANNABIS INFUSED LIQUOR TOPPINGS SERVING You are now ready to top a banana cream pie with rum-infused whip cream. Warm up some whiskey infused maple syrup to top of waffles. Or simply pour a capful or two of infused black Sambuca over a bit of vanilla ice cream. Let your imagination run wild! PREP TIME: 10 minutes COOKING TIME: 1 hour INFUSING TIME: 4 to 7 days SERVINGS: Yes! 98 Maximum Yield